Saintapedia:Sign your posts on talk pages

Signatures on Saintapedia identify you as a user and your contributions to the wiki. They encourage civility in discussions by identifying the author of a particular comment and the date and time at which it was made. Because of that, having an uncivil signature is strongly discouraged. In general, anything that is not allowed in a username should not be used in a signature either.

For a complete description of how to sign your posts and why it is important, see Wikipedia:SignaturesWikipedia Logo.png

Adding your signature

Screenshot of the the full list of options under VisualEditor's insert menu
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There are two editors on Saintapedia.


To add a signature in VisualEditor:

  1. Position your cursor at the end of your comment
  2. From the VisualEditor toolbar, open the Insert menu
  3. Select "Your signature

Enhanced editor

When editing with Enhanced editor, you can add your signature two ways.


The Basic toolbar portion of Editing toolbar, part of Enhanced editor:

  (Signature - Appears only on Talk pages): This icon allows you to sign an article with your user name, time, and date.


  1. At the end of your post, add four tildes (~~~~)
  2. When you save the page the software will convert these four tildes into a link to your name and a date/time stamp.

An example thread

What does CFC stand for? TheDoyen 12:47, 12 October 2010 (UTC)

CFC may stand for Combined Federal Campaign or Chlorofluorocarbons. Russell 12:48, 12 October 2010 (UTC)
Thanks. TheDoyen 12:49, 12 October 2010 (UTC)