Korean Martyrs (Archdiocese of Atlanta)

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Korean Martyrs

Doraville, GA

Website: http://kmccga.com/


Korean Martyrs is in Georgia (United States) and is part of the Archdiocese of Atlanta.

It is dedicated to Korean Martyrs.


It is located at 6003 Buford Hwy NE, Doraville, GA 30340.

Korean Martyrs
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[[Category:Archdiocese of Atlanta]]


Korean Martyrs Catholic Church in Doraville was established in 1992, initially starting as a community of Korean Catholics who gathered for Mass at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in Atlanta and later at St. Thomas More Church in Decatur. In response to the growing Korean Catholic population, the church was founded to provide a space for worship in their native language and cultural context. Over the decades, the parish has grown to serve 350 families, offering numerous ministries and support groups while also providing volunteer opportunities for its youth. The church has been a central point for the Korean Catholic community, particularly after events like the 2021 Atlanta Spa shootings, where it played a role in community healing and prayer.[1][2][3]

Special features

  • Cultural Heritage: The parish honors the legacy of the Korean Martyrs, canonized by the Catholic Church, celebrating their sacrifice and faith through its very name and community activities.
  • Language and Culture: Services are primarily conducted in Korean, with some English for children's Mass, preserving Korean language and traditions within the Catholic faith.
  • Community Support: Acts as a hub for the Korean community, not just spiritually but also culturally, offering Korean language schools and senior programs.
  • Response to Crisis: Played a pivotal role in community response and healing after local tragedies, demonstrating its commitment to social and spiritual support.

Related parishes

  • St. Andrew Kim Korean Catholic Church, Duluth, GA
  • Korean Martyrs Catholic Church, Baltimore, MD


  1. Welcome | 애틀랜타 한국 순교자 천주교회 - kmccga.com. [1]
  2. Korean Martyrs, Doraville | Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta | Atlanta, GA - archatl.com. [2]
  3. Atlanta Korean Catholic community shocked after spa shootings | America Magazine - www.americamagazine.org. [3]