Beatification by Pope: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "This is a listing of beatification organized by Pope. This should eventually be added to the Saint's form and these turned into dynamic Cargo list. == Pope Alexander III ==")
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== Pope Alexander III ==
== Pope Alexander III ==
* Blessed Ranieri Scacceri
== Pope Alexander VII ==
* Saint Bernardo Tolomei
* Saint Ferdinand III of Castille
* Saint Francis de Sales
* Saint Peter Arbues
== Pope Alexander VIII ==
* Saint Kinga
== Pope Benedict XIII ==
* Blessed Bernardine of Feltre
* Blessed Isfrid of Ratzeburg
* Blessed John del Prado
* Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen
* Saint Hyacintha of Mariscotti
* Saint Peter Fourier
* Saint Serafino of Montegranaro
* Saint Siard
* Saint Vincent de Paul


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