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== Popes ==
== Popes ==
=== 1st century ===
{| class="wikitable"
!Name: English
· Latin
!Date and Place of birth
!Age at start/
|30 – <abbr>c.</abbr> 64
(approx. 34 years)
|'''Saint PeterPETRVS'''
|[[Bethsaida]], [[Judaea (Roman province)|Judaea]], [[Roman Empire]]
|<abbr>c.</abbr> 64 – <abbr>c.</abbr> 76 (?)
(11–12 years)
|'''St [[Pope Linus|Linus]]LINVS'''
|[[Volterra|Volterrae]], [[Roman Italy|Italia]], Roman Empire
|<abbr>c.</abbr> 76 – <abbr>c.</abbr> 88 (?)
(12 years)
|'''St [[Pope Anacletus|Anacletus]]ANACLETVS'''
|[[Athens|Athenae]], [[Achaea (Roman province)|Achaea]], Roman Empire
|<abbr>c.</abbr> 88 – <abbr>c.</abbr> 97 (?)
(9 years)
|'''St [[Clement of Rome|Clement I]]CLEMENS'''
|[[History of Rome#Ancient%20Rome|Roma]], Italia, Roman Empire
|<abbr>c.</abbr> 97 – <abbr>c.</abbr> 105 (?)
(7–8 years)
|'''St [[Pope Evaristus|Evaristus]]EVARISTVS'''
|[[Bethlehem]], [[Roman Judea|Iudaea]], Roman Empire
=== 2nd century ===
{| class="wikitable"
!Name: English
· Latin
!Date and Place of birth
!Age at start/
|<abbr>c.</abbr> 105 – <abbr>c.</abbr> 115 (?)
(10 years)
|'''St [[Pope Alexander I|Alexander I]]ALEXANDER'''
|Roma, Italia, Roman Empire
|<abbr>c.</abbr> 115 – <abbr>c.</abbr> 125
(10 years)
|'''St [[Pope Sixtus I|Sixtus I]]SYXTVS'''
|42 Roma, Italia, Roman Empire
|<abbr>c.</abbr> 125 – <abbr>c.</abbr> 136
(11 years)
|'''St [[Pope Telesphorus|Telesphorus]]TELESPHORVS'''
|[[Terranova da Sibari|Terra Nova]], Italia, Roman Empire
|<abbr>c.</abbr> 136 – <abbr>c.</abbr> 140
(4 years)
|'''St [[Pope Hyginus|Hyginus]]HYGINVS'''
|Athens, Achaea, Roman Empire
|<abbr>c.</abbr> 140 – <abbr>c.</abbr> 155
(15 years)
|'''St [[Pope Pius I|Pius I]]PIVS'''
|[[Aquileia]], Italia, Roman Empire
|<abbr>c.</abbr> 155 – 166/7
(11–12 years)
|'''St [[Pope Anicetus|Anicetus]]ANICETVS'''
|[[Homs|Emesa]], [[Roman Syria|Syria]], Roman Empire
|166/7 – 174/5
(8–9 years)
|'''St [[Pope Soter|Soter]]SOTERIVS'''
|[[Fondi|Fundi]], Italia, Roman Empire
|174/5 – 189
(14–15 years)
|'''St [[Pope Eleutherius|Eleutherius]]ELEVTHERIVS'''
|[[Nicopolis]], [[Epirus]], Roman Empire
|189 – 198/9
(9–10 years)
|'''St [[Pope Victor I|Victor I]]VICTOR'''
|[[Africa (Roman province)|Africa]], Roman Empire
|198/199 –
August/December 217
(18–19 years)
|'''St [[Pope Zephyrinus|Zephyrinus]]ZEPHYRINVS'''
|Rome, Italia, Roman Empire
|c. 198/199 –
c. 199/200
(1 year)
|''[[Antipope Natalius|Natalius]]'''NATALIVS'''''
|Roma, Italia, Roman Empire
=== 3rd century ===
{| class="wikitable"
!Name: English
· Latin
!Date and Place of birth
!Age at start/
|August/December 217 –
14 October 222
(4 years, 2–4 months)
|'''St [[Pope Callixtus I|Callixtus I]]CALLIXTVS'''
|Rome, Italia, Roman Empire
|217 – 235
(18 years)
|''St [[Hippolytus of Rome|Hippolytus]]'''HIPPOLYTVS'''''
|c. 170 [[Asia (Roman province)|Asia Minor]], Roman Empire
|47 / 65
|7 June (?) 222 –
19 May 230
(7 years, 346 days)
|'''St [[Pope Urban I|Urban I]]VRBANVS'''
|Rome, Italia, Roman Empire
|21 July 230 –
28 September 235
(5 years, 69 days)
|'''St [[Pope Pontian|Pontian]]PONTIANVS'''
|Rome, Italia, Roman Empire
|21 November 235 –
3 January 236
(43 days)
|'''St [[Pope Anterus|Anterus]]ANTERVS'''
|[[Petelia]], Italy, Roman Empire
|10 February 236 –
20 January 250
(13 years, 344 days)
|'''St [[Pope Fabian|Fabian]]FABIANVS'''
|Rome, Italia, Roman Empire
|March 251 –
June 253
(2 years, 3 months)
|'''St [[Pope Cornelius|Cornelius]]CORNELIVS'''
|Rome, Italia, Roman Empire
|March 251 – 258
(7 years)
|c. 200–20 Rome, Italia, Roman Empire
|31–51 / 38–58
|25 June 253 –
5 March 254
(253 days)
|'''St [[Pope Lucius I|Lucius I]]LUCIVS'''
|Rome, Italia, Roman Empire
|12 March 254 –
2 August 257
(3 years, 143 days)
|'''St [[Pope Stephen I|Stephen I]]STEPHANVS'''
|Rome, Italia, Roman Empire
|31 August 257 –
6 August 258
(340 days)
|'''St [[Pope Sixtus II|Sixtus II]]SYXTVS''' Secundus
|Athens, Achaea, Roman Empire
|22 July 259 –
27 December 268
(9 years, 158 days)
|'''St [[Pope Dionysius|Dionysius]]DIONYSIVS'''
|Terra Nova, Italy, Roman Empire
|5 January 269 –
30 December 274
(5 years, 359 days)
|'''St [[Pope Felix I|Felix I]]FELIX'''
|Rome, Italy Roman Empire
|4 January 275 –
7 December 283
(8 years, 337 days)
|'''St [[Pope Eutychian|Eutychian]]EVTYCHIANVS'''
|[[Luni, Italy|Luna]], Italy, Roman Empire (Now Luni, Italy)
|17 December 283 –
22 April 296
(12 years, 127 days)
|'''St [[Pope Caius|Caius]]CAIVS'''
|[[Salona]], [[Dalmatia]], Roman Empire
|30 June 296 –
25 October 304
(8 years, 117 days)
|'''St [[Pope Marcellinus|Marcellinus]]MARCELLINVS'''
|Rome, Italy, Roman Empire
=== 4th century ===
{| class="wikitable"
!Name: English
· Latin
!Date and Place of birth
!Age at start/
|27 May 308 –
16 January 309
(234 days)
|'''St [[Pope Marcellus I|Marcellus I]]MARCELLVS'''
|Rome, Italy, Roman Empire
|18 April 309 –
17 August 310
(1 year, 121 days)
|'''St [[Pope Eusebius|Eusebius]]EVSEBIVS'''
|Achaea, Roman Empire
|2 July 311 –
10 January 314
(2 years, 192 days)
|'''St [[Pope Miltiades|Miltiades]]'''(Melchiades)
|Africa, Roman Empire
|31 January 314 –
31 December 335
(21 years, 334 days)
|'''St [[Pope Sylvester I|Sylvester I]]SILVESTER'''
|[[Sant'Angelo a Scala|Fanum Sancti Angeli de Scala]], [[Apulia]] et Calabria, Roman Empire
|18 January 336 –
7 October 336
(263 days)
|'''St [[Pope Mark|Mark]]MARCVS'''
|Rome, Italy, Roman Empire
|6 February 337 –
12 April 352
(15 years, 66 days)
|'''St [[Pope Julius I|Julius I]]IVLIVS'''
|Rome, Italy, Roman Empire
|17 May 352 –
24 September 366
(14 years, 130 days)
|'''[[Pope Liberius|Liberius]]LIBERIVS'''
|Rome, Italy, Roman Empire
|355 –
22 November 365
(10 years, 0 days)
|''[[Antipope Felix II|Felix II]]'''FELIX''' Secundus''
|c. 300 Rome, Italy, Roman Empire
|55 / 65
|1 October 366 –
11 December 384
(18 years, 71 days)
|'''St [[Pope Damasus I|Damasus I]]DAMASVS'''
|c. 305 [[Idanha-a-Nova|Egitania]], [[Lusitania]] or Rome, Italy, Roman Empire
|60 / 78
|1 October 366 –
16 November 367
(1 year, 46 days)
|''[[Antipope Ursicinus|Ursinus]]'''VRSINVS'''''
|Rome, Italy, Roman Empire
|17 December 384 –
26 November 399
(14 years, 344 days)
|'''St [[Pope Siricius|Siricius]]SIRICIVS'''
|c. 334 Rome, Italy, Roman Empire
|50 / 65
|27 November 399 –
19 December 401
(2 years, 22 days)
|'''St [[Pope Anastasius I|Anastasius I]]ANASTASIVS'''
|Rome, Italy, Roman Empire
=== 5th century ===
{| class="wikitable"
!Name: English
· Latin
!Date and Place of birth
!Age at start/
|21 December 401 –
12 March 417
(15 years, 81 days)
|'''St [[Pope Innocent I|Innocent I]]INNOCENTIVS'''
|[[Albano Laziale|Albanum]], [[Latium]] et Campania, Roman Empire
|18 March 417 –
26 December 418
(1 year, 283 days)
|'''St [[Pope Zosimus|Zosimus]]ZOSIMVS'''
|[[Mesoraca|Messurga]], [[Lucania]] et Bruttii, Roman Empire
|27 December 418 –
3 April 419
(97 days)
|''[[Antipope Eulalius|Eulalius]]'''EVLALIVS'''''
|Rome, Italy, Roman Empire
|28 December 418 –
4 September 422
(3 years, 250 days)
|'''St [[Pope Boniface I|Boniface I]]BONIFACIVS'''
|Rome, Italy, Roman Empire
|10 September 422 –
27 July 432
(9 years, 321 days)
|'''St [[Pope Celestine I|Celestine I]]CAELESTINVS'''
|[[Campania]], Roman Empire
|31 July 432 –
18 August 440
(8 years, 18 days)
|'''St [[Pope Sixtus III|Sixtus III]]SYXTVS''' Tertius
|Rome, Italy, Roman Empire
|29 September 440 –
10 November 461
(21 years, 42 days)
|'''St [[Pope Leo I|Leo I]]'''"the Great"
|[[Etruria]], Italia, Roman Empire
|19 November 461 –
29 February 468
(6 years, 102 days)
|'''St [[Pope Hilarius|Hilary]]HILARIVS'''
|Sardinia, Italy, [[Western Roman Empire]]
|3 March 468 –
10 March 483
(15 years, 7 days)
|'''St [[Pope Simplicius|Simplicius]]SIMPLICIVS'''
|[[Tivoli, Lazio|Tibur]], Italy, Western Roman Empire
|13 March 483 –
1 March 492
(8 years, 354 days)
|'''St [[Pope Felix III|Felix III]]FELIX''' Tertius
|Rome, Italy, Western Roman Empire
|1 March 492 –
21 November 496
(4 years, 265 days)
|'''St [[Pope Gelasius I|Gelasius I]]GELASIVS'''
|[[Kabylie|Mons Ferratus]], [[Quinquegentiani]], Africa, Western Roman Empire
|24 November 496 –
19 November 498
(1 year, 360 days)
|'''[[Pope Anastasius II|Anastasius II]]ANASTASIVS''' Secundus
|Rome, Italy, Western Roman Empire
|22 November 498 –
19 July 514
(15 years, 239 days)
|'''St [[Pope Symmachus|Symmachus]]SYMMACHVS'''
|Sardinia, Italy, Western Roman Empire
|22 November 498 –
Aug 506/8
(7 years, 252 days)
|''[[Antipope Laurentius|Laurence]]'''LAVRENTIVS'''''
|Rome, Italy, Western Roman Empire
=== 6th century ===
{| class="wikitable"
!Name: English
· Latin
!Date and Place of birth
!Age at start/
|20 July 514 –
6 August 523
(9 years, 17 days)
|'''St [[Pope Hormisdas|Hormisdas]]HORMISDAS'''
|c. 450 [[Frosinone|Frusino]], Italy, Western Roman Empire
|64 / 73
|13 August 523 –
18 May 526
(2 years, 278 days)
|'''St [[Pope John I|John I]]IOANNES'''
|[[Siena|Sena Iulia]], Italy, Western Roman Empire
|12 July 526 –
22 September 530
(4 years, 72 days)
|'''St [[Pope Felix IV|Felix IV]]FELIX''' Quartus
|[[Samnium]], [[Kingdom of Odoacer]]
|22 September 530 –
17 October 532
(2 years, 25 days)
|'''[[Pope Boniface II|Boniface II]]BONIFACIVS''' Secundus
|Rome, Kingdom of Odoacer
|22 September 530 –
14 October 530
(22 days)
|''[[Antipope Dioscorus|Dioscore]]'''DIOSCORVS'''''
|[[Alexandria]], [[Egypt|Aegyptus]], [[Byzantine Empire|Eastern Roman Empire]]
|2 January 533 –
8 May 535
(2 years, 126 days)
|'''[[Pope John II|John II]]IOANNES''' Secundus
|Rome, Western Roman Empire
|13 May 535 –
22 April 536
(356 days)
|'''St [[Pope Agapetus I|Agapetus I]]AGAPETVS'''
|Rome, [[Kingdom of Odoacer]]
|8 June 536 –
11 March 537
(276 days)
|'''St [[Pope Silverius|Silverius]]SILVERIVS'''
|[[Ceccano|Cicanum]], [[Ostrogothic Kingdom]]
|29 March 537 –
7 June 555
(18 years, 70 days)
|'''[[Pope Vigilius|Vigilius]]VIGILIVS'''
|Rome, Kingdom of Odoacer
|16 April 556 –
4 March 561
(4 years, 322 days)
|'''[[Pope Pelagius I|Pelagius I]]PELAGIVS'''
|Rome, Ostrogothic Kingdom
|17 July 561 –
13 July 574
(12 years, 361 days)
|'''[[Pope John III|John III]]IOANNES''' Tertius
|Rome, Ostrogothic Kingdom
|2 June 575 –
30 July 579
(4 years, 58 days)
|'''[[Pope Benedict I|Benedict I]]BENEDICTVS'''
|Rome, Ostrogothic Kingdom
|26 November 579 –
7 February 590
(10 years, 73 days)
|'''[[Pope Pelagius II|Pelagius II]]PELAGIVS''' Secundus
|Rome, Ostrogothic Kingdom
|3 September 590 –
12 March 604
(13 years, 191 days)
|'''St [[Pope Gregory I|Gregory I]]'''"the Great"
|c. 540 Rome, Eastern Roman Empire
|50 / 64
=== 7th century ===
{| class="wikitable"
!Name: English
· Latin
!Date and Place of birth
!Age at start/
|13 September 604 –
22 February 606
(1 year, 162 days)
|'''[[Pope Sabinian|Sabinian]]SABINIANVS'''
|[[Blera]], Eastern Roman Empire
|19 February 607 –
12 November 607
(266 days)
|'''[[Pope Boniface III|Boniface III]]BONIFACIVS''' Tertius
|Rome, Eastern Roman Empire
|15 September 608 –
8 May 615
(6 years, 235 days)
|'''St [[Pope Boniface IV|Boniface IV]]BONIFACIVS''' Quartus
|[[Marsica]], Eastern Roman Empire
|13 November 615 –
8 November 618
(2 years, 360 days)
|'''St [[Pope Adeodatus I|Adeodatus I]]ADEODATVS''' or '''DEVSDEDIT'''
|Rome, Eastern Roman Empire
|23 December 619 –
25 October 625
(5 years, 306 days)
|'''[[Pope Boniface V|Boniface V]]BONIFACIVS''' Quintus
|[[Naples|Neapolis]], Eastern Roman Empire
|27 October 625 –
12 October 638
(12 years, 350 days)
|'''[[Pope Honorius I|Honorius I]]HONORIVS'''
|[[Ceprano|Ceperanum]], Campania, Eastern Roman Empire
|28 May 640 –
2 August 640
(66 days)
|'''[[Pope Severinus|Severinus]]SEVERINVS'''
|Rome, Eastern Roman Empire
|24 December 640 –
12 October 642
(1 year, 292 days)
|'''[[Pope John IV|John IV]]IOANNES''' Quartus
|[[Zadar|Iadera]], Dalmatia, Eastern Roman Empire
|24 November 642 –
14 May 649
(6 years, 171 days)
|'''[[Pope Theodore I|Theodore I]]THEODORVS'''
|[[Jerusalem|Hierosolyma]], Eastern Roman Empire
|5 July 649 –
12 November 655
(6 years, 130 days)
|'''St [[Pope Martin I|Martin I]]MARTINVS'''
|Near [[Todi|Tuder]], [[Umbria]], Eastern Roman Empire
|10 August 654 –
2 June 657
(2 years, 296 days)
|'''St [[Pope Eugene I|Eugene I]]EVGENIVS'''
|Rome, [[Duchy of Rome]], [[Exarchate of Ravenna]], Eastern Roman Empire
|30 July 657 –
27 January 672
(14 years, 181 days)
|'''St [[Pope Vitalian|Vitalian]]VITALIANVS'''
|[[Segni|Signia]], Duchy of Rome, [[Exarchate of Ravenna]], Eastern Roman Empire
|11 April 672 –
17 June 676
(4 years, 67 days)
|'''[[Pope Adeodatus II|Adeodatus II]]ADEODATVS''' Secundus
|Rome, Duchy of Rome, [[Exarchate of Ravenna]], Eastern Roman Empire
|2 November 676 –
11 April 678
(1 year, 160 days)
|'''[[Pope Donus|Donus]]DONVS'''
|Rome, Duchy of Rome, [[Exarchate of Ravenna]], Eastern Roman Empire
|27 June 678 –
10 January 681
(2 years, 197 days)
|'''St [[Pope Agatho|Agatho]]AGATHO'''
|c. 577 [[Palermo|Panormus]], [[Sicily]], Eastern Roman Empire
|101 / 104
|17 August 682 –
3 July 683
(320 days)
|'''St [[Pope Leo II|Leo II]]LEO''' Secundus
|[[Aidone|Aydonum]], Sicily, Eastern Roman Empire
|26 June 684 –
8 May 685
(316 days)
|'''St [[Pope Benedict II|Benedict II]]BENEDICTVS''' Secundus
|Rome, Duchy of Rome, [[Exarchate of Ravenna]], Eastern Roman Empire
|23 July 685 –
2 August 686
(1 year, 10 days)
|'''[[Pope John V|John V]]IOANNES''' Quintus
|[[Antioch|Antiochia]], Syria, Eastern Roman Empire
|21 October 686 –
21 September 687
(335 days)
|'''[[Pope Conon|Conon]]CONON'''
|[[Thrace|Thracia]], Eastern Roman Empire
|15 December 687 –
8 September 701
(13 years, 267 days)
|'''St [[Pope Sergius I|Sergius I]]SERGIVS'''
|Palermo, Sicily, Eastern Roman Empire
=== 8th century ===
{| class="wikitable"
!Name: English
· Latin
!Personal name
!Date and Place of birth
!Age at start/
end of papacy
|30 October 701 –
11 January 705
(3 years, 73 days)
|'''[[Pope John VI|John VI]]IOANNES''' Sextus
|[[Ephesus]], Eastern Roman Empire
|1 March 705 –
18 October 707
(2 years, 231 days)
|'''[[Pope John VII|John VII]]IOANNES''' Septimus
|[[Rossano|Rossanum]], [[Calabria]], Eastern Roman Empire
|15 January 708 –
4 February 708
(20 days)
|'''[[Pope Sisinnius|Sisinnius]]SISINNIVS'''
|Syria, [[Rashidun Caliphate]]
|25 March 708 –
9 April 715
(7 years, 15 days)
|'''[[Pope Constantine|Constantine]]CONSTANTINVS'''
|Syria, [[Umayyad Caliphate]]
|19 May 715 –
11 February 731
(15 years, 268 days)
|'''St [[Pope Gregory II|Gregory II]]GREGORIVS''' Secundus
|669 Rome, Duchy of Rome
(Eastern Roman Empire)
|46 / 62
|18 March 731 –
28 November 741
(10 years, 255 days)
|'''St [[Pope Gregory III|Gregory III]]GREGORIVS''' Tertius
|Syria, [[Umayyad Caliphate]]
|3 December 741 –
22 March 752
(10 years, 110 days)
|'''St [[Pope Zachary|Zachary]]ZACHARIAS'''
|[[Santa Severina|Sancta Severina]], Calabria, Eastern Roman Empire
|22 March 752 –
25 March 752
(3 days)
(Never took office as pope)
|[[Pope-elect Stephen|Stephen]]'''STEPHANUS'''
|Rome, Duchy of Rome, [[Exarchate of Ravenna]], Eastern Roman Empire
|26 March 752 –
26 April 757
(5 years, 31 days)
|'''[[Pope Stephen II|Stephen II]]STEPHANVS''' Secundus
|Rome, Duchy of Rome, [[Exarchate of Ravenna]], Eastern Roman Empire
|29 May 757 –
28 June 767
(10 years, 30 days)
|'''St [[Pope Paul I|Paul I]]PAVLVS'''
|Rome, Duchy of Rome, [[Exarchate of Ravenna]], Eastern Roman Empire
|7 August 768 –
24 January 772
(3 years, 170 days)
|'''[[Pope Stephen III|Stephen III]]STEPHANVS''' Tertius
|c. 720 Syracuse, [[Theme of Sicily|Sicily]], Eastern Roman Empire
|42 / 46
|1 February 772 –
26 December 795
(23 years, 328 days)
|'''[[Pope Adrian I|Adrian I]]HADRIANVS'''
|Rome, Duchy of Rome, [[Exarchate of Ravenna]], Eastern Roman Empire
|26 December 795 –
12 June 816
(20 years, 169 days)
|'''St [[Pope Leo III|Leo III]]LEO''' Tertius
|Rome, Duchy of Rome, [[Exarchate of Ravenna]], Eastern Roman Empire
=== 9th century ===
{| class="wikitable"
!Name: English
· Latin
!Personal name
!Date and Place of birth
!Age at start/
end of papacy
|22 June 816 –
24 January 817
(216 days)
|'''[[Pope Stephen IV|Stephen IV]]STEPHANVS''' Quartus
|Rome, [[Papal States]]
|25 January 817 –
11 February 824
(7 years, 17 days)
|'''St [[Pope Paschal I|Paschal I]]PASCHALIS'''
|Rome, Papal States
|8 May 824 –
27 August 827
(3 years, 111 days)
|'''[[Pope Eugene II|Eugene II]]EVGENIVS''' Secundus
|Rome, Papal States
|31 August 827 –
10 October 827
(40 days)
|'''[[Pope Valentine|Valentine]]VALENTINVS'''
|Rome, Papal States
|20 December 827 –
25 January 844
(16 years, 36 days)
|'''[[Pope Gregory IV|Gregory IV]]GREGORIVS''' Quartus
|Rome, Papal States
|25 January 844 –
27 January 847
(3 years, 2 days)
|'''[[Pope Sergius II|Sergius II]]SERGIVS''' Secundus
|Rome, Papal States
|10 April 847 –
17 July 855
(8 years, 98 days)
|'''St [[Pope Leo IV|Leo IV]]LEO''' Quartus
|Rome, Papal States
|29 September 855 –
17 April 858
(2 years, 200 days)
|'''[[Pope Benedict III|Benedict III]]BENEDICTVS''' Tertius
|Rome, Papal States
|24 April 858 –
13 November 867
(9 years, 203 days)
|'''St [[Pope Nicholas I|Nicholas I]]'''"the Great"
|c. 800 Rome, Papal States
|58 / 67
|14 December 867 –
14 December 872
(5 years, 0 days)
|'''[[Pope Adrian II|Adrian II]]HADRIANVS''' Secundus
|c. 792 Rome, Papal States
|75 / 80
|14 December 872 –
16 December 882
(10 years, 2 days)
|'''[[Pope John VIII|John VIII]]IOANNES''' Octavus
|Rome, Papal States
|16 December 882 –
15 May 884
(1 year, 151 days)
|'''[[Pope Marinus I|Marinus I]]MARINVS'''
|[[Gallese]], Papal States
|17 May 884 –
8 July 885
(1 year, 121 days)
|'''St [[Pope Adrian III|Adrian III]]HADRIANVS''' Tertius
|Rome, Papal States
|September 885 –
14 September 891
(5 years, 355 days)
|'''[[Pope Stephen V|Stephen V]]STEPHANVS''' Quintus
|Rome, Papal States
|6 October 891 –
4 April 896
(4 years, 181 days)
|'''[[Pope Formosus|Formosus]]FORMOSVS'''
|c. 816 [[Ostia Antica (district)|Ostia]], Papal States
|75 / 80
|11 April 896 –
26 April 896
(15 days)
|'''[[Pope Boniface VI|Boniface VI]]BONIFATIVS''' Sextus
|Rome, Papal States
|22 May 896 –
14 August 897
(1 year, 84 days)
|'''[[Pope Stephen VI|Stephen VI]]STEPHANVS'''
|Rome, Papal States
|14 August 897 –
Nov 897
(92 days)
|'''[[Pope Romanus|Romanus]]ROMANVS'''
|Gallese, Papal States
|December 897 –
20 December 897
(19 days)
|'''[[Pope Theodore II|Theodore II]]THEODORVS''' Secundus
|Rome, Papal States
|18 January 898 –
5 January 900
(1 year, 352 days)
|'''[[Pope John IX|John IX]]IOANNES''' Nonus
|[[Tivoli, Italy|Tivoli]], Papal States
|1 February 900 –
30 July 903
(3 years, 179 days)
|'''[[Pope Benedict IV|Benedict IV]]BENEDICTVS''' Quartus
|Rome, Papal States
=== 10th century ===
{| class="wikitable"
!Name: English
· Latin
!Date and Place of birth
!Age at start/
|30 July 903 –
Dec 903
(124 days)
|'''[[Pope Leo V|Leo V]]LEO''' Quintus
|[[Ardea (RM)|Ardea]], Papal States
|October 903 –
January 904
(92 days)
|''[[Antipope Christopher|Christopher]]'''CHRISTOFORO'''''
|Rome, Papal States
|29 January 904 –
14 April 911
(7 years, 75 days)
|'''[[Pope Sergius III|Sergius III]]SERGIVS''' Tertius
|Rome, Papal States
|14 April 911 –
June 913
(2 years, 48 days)
|'''[[Pope Anastasius III|Anastasius III]]ANASTASIVS''' Tertius
|Rome, Papal States
|7 July 913 –
5 February 914
(213 days)
|'''[[Pope Lando|Lando]]LANDO'''
|[[Sabina (region)|Sabina]], Papal States
|March 914 –
28 May 928
(14 years, 88 days)
|'''[[Pope John X|John X]]IOANNES''' Decimus
|[[Borgo Tossignano|Tossignano]], Papal States
|28 May 928 –
Dec 928
(187 days)
|'''[[Pope Leo VI|Leo VI]]LEO''' Sextus
|Rome, Papal States
|3 February 929 –
13 February 931
(2 years, 10 days)
|'''[[Pope Stephen VII|Stephen VII]]STEPHANVS''' Septimus
|Rome, Papal States
|15 March 931 –
Dec 935
(4 years, 261 days)
|'''[[Pope John XI|John XI]]IOANNES''' Undecimus
|c. 910 (?) Rome, Papal States
|21? / 25?
|3 January 936 –
13 July 939
(3 years, 191 days)
|'''[[Pope Leo VII|Leo VII]]LEO''' Septimus
|Rome, Papal States
|14 July 939 –
30 October 942
(3 years, 108 days)
|'''[[Pope Stephen VIII|Stephen VIII]]STEPHANVS''' Octavus
|Rome, Papal States
|30 October 942 –
1 May 946
(3 years, 183 days)
|'''[[Pope Marinus II|Marinus II]]MARINVS''' Secundus
|Rome, Papal States
|10 May 946 –
8 November 955
(9 years, 182 days)
|'''[[Pope Agapetus II|Agapetus II]]AGAPETVS''' Secundus
|Rome, Papal States
|16 December 955 –
6 December 963
(8 years, 356 days)
|'''[[Pope John XII|John XII]]IOANNES''' Duodecimus
|c. 930–37 Rome, Papal States
|18–25 / 26–33
|6 December 963 –
26 February 964
(82 days)
|''[[Pope Leo VIII|Leo VIII]]'''LEO''' Octavus''
|Rome, Papal States
|26 February 964 –
14 May 964
(78 days)
|'''[[Pope John XII|John XII]]IOANNES''' Duodecimus
|Rome, Papal States
|22 May 964 –
23 June 964
(32 days)
|'''[[Pope Benedict V|Benedict V]]BENEDICTVS''' Quintus
|Rome, Papal States
|23 June 964 –
1 March 965
(251 days)
|'''[[Pope Leo VIII|Leo VIII]]LEO''' Octavus
|Rome, Papal States
|1 October 965 –
6 September 972
(6 years, 341 days)
|'''[[Pope John XIII|John XIII]]IOANNES''' Tertius Decimus
|Rome, Papal States
|19 January 973 –
8 June 974
(1 year, 140 days)
|'''[[Pope Benedict VI|Benedict VI]]BENEDICTVS''' Sextus
|Rome, Papal States
|July 974 –
July 974
(30 days)
|''[[Antipope Boniface VII|Boniface VII]]'''BONFATIUS''' Septinus''
|Rome, Papal States
|October 974 –
10 July 983
(8 years, 282 days)
|'''[[Pope Benedict VII|Benedict VII]]BENEDICTVS''' Septimus
|Rome, Papal States
|December 983 –
20 August 984
(263 days)
|'''[[Pope John XIV|John XIV]]IOANNES''' Quartus Decimus
|[[Pavia]], [[Kingdom of Italy (Holy Roman Empire)|Kingdom of Italy]], [[Holy Roman Empire]]
|20 August 984 –
20 July 985
(334 days)
|''[[Antipope Boniface VII|Boniface VII]]'''''BONFATIUS''' Septinus
|Rome, Papal States
|20 August 985 –
1 April 996
(10 years, 225 days)
|'''[[Pope John XV|John XV]]IOANNES''' Quintus Decimus
|Rome, Papal States
|3 May 996 –
18 February 999
(2 years, 291 days)
|'''[[Pope Gregory V|Gregory V]]GREGORIVS''' Quintus
|c. 972 [[Stainach-Pürgg|Stainach]], [[Duchy of Carinthia]], Holy Roman Empire
|24 / 27
|April 997 –
February 998
(306 days)
|''[[Antipope John XVI|John XVI]]'''''IOANNES''' Sextus Decimus
|[[Rossano|Rossanum]], Calabria, Italy, Eastern Roman Empire
|2 April 999 –
12 May 1003
(4 years, 40 days)
|'''[[Pope Sylvester II|Sylvester II]]SILVESTER''' Secundus
|c. 945 [[Saint-Simon, Cantal|Belliac]], [[France in the Middle Ages|France]]
|54 / 58
=== 11th century ===

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