User:Tom/Sandbox: Difference between revisions

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5,628 bytes removed ,  18 September 2024
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Tags: Reverted Visual edit
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Tag: Manual revert
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{| class="wikitable"
* Find out canastaId
* Find out what happened to form associated with [[Template:Employee]]
* Continue help cleanup - [[:Category:Help]]
* Better understand [[mediawikiwiki:Extension:WatchAnalytics|Extension:WatchAnalytics]]
* Create discussion pages <code>(createtalk)</code>
== Help pages ==
* Create pages (which are not discussion pages) <code>(createpage)</code>
* Edit your own preferences <code>(editmyoptions)</code>
=== Wanted ===
* Edit your own private data (e.g. email address, real name) <code>(editmyprivateinfo)</code>
* Template:Sp
* Edit your own watchlist (note that some actions will still add pages even without this right) <code>(editmywatchlist)</code>
* Template:Delete
* Read pages <code>(read)</code>
* Gardener
* Run arbitrary Cargo queries <code>(runcargoqueries)</code>
* Use of the write API <code>(writeapi)</code>
==AllFeatures Template==
* View "Edit" tab for pages editable by form <code>(viewedittab)</code>
* View your own private data (e.g. email address, real name) <code>(viewmyprivateinfo)</code>
{{#template_params:AllFeaturesPageFieldName (label=AllFeaturesPageDisplayLabel)|AllFeaturesStringFieldName (label=AllFeaturesStringDisplayLabel)|AllFeaturesTextFieldName (label=AllFeaturesTextDisplayLabel)|AllFeaturesIntegerDisplayLabel|AllFeaturesFloatDisplayLabel|AllFeaturesDateDisplayLabel|AllFeaturesStartDateDisplayLabel|AllFeaturesEndDateDisplayLabel|AllFeaturesDatetimeDisplayLabel|AllFeaturesStartDatetimeDisplayLabel|AllFeaturesEndDatetimeDisplayLabel|AllFeaturesBooleanDisplayLabel|AllFeaturesCoordinatesDisplayLabel|AllFeaturesWikitextStringDisplayLabel|AllFeaturesWikitextDisplayLabel|AllFeaturesSearchtextDisplayLabel|AllFeaturesFileDisplayLabel (label=AllFeaturesFilesDisplayLabel;namespace=File)|AllFeaturesURLDisplayLabel|AllFeaturesEmailDisplayLabel|AllFeaturesRatingDisplayLabel}}
* View your own watchlist <code>(viewmywatchlist)</code>
{{#cargo_declare:_table=AllFeaturesCargoTable|AllFeaturesPageFieldName=Page|AllFeaturesStringFieldName=String|AllFeaturesTextFieldName=Text|AllFeaturesIntegerDisplayLabel=Integer|AllFeaturesFloatDisplayLabel=Float|AllFeaturesDateDisplayLabel=Date|AllFeaturesStartDateDisplayLabel=Start date|AllFeaturesEndDateDisplayLabel=End date|AllFeaturesDatetimeDisplayLabel=Datetime|AllFeaturesStartDatetimeDisplayLabel=Start datetime|AllFeaturesEndDatetimeDisplayLabel=End datetime|AllFeaturesBooleanDisplayLabel=Boolean|AllFeaturesCoordinatesDisplayLabel=Coordinates|AllFeaturesWikitextStringDisplayLabel=Wikitext string|AllFeaturesWikitextDisplayLabel=Wikitext|AllFeaturesSearchtextDisplayLabel=Searchtext|AllFeaturesFileDisplayLabel=File|AllFeaturesURLDisplayLabel=URL|AllFeaturesEmailDisplayLabel=Email|AllFeaturesRatingDisplayLabel=Rating}}
|Autoconfirmed users
* Edit pages protected as "Allow only autoconfirmed users" <code>(editsemiprotected)</code>
* Not be affected by IP-based rate limits <code>(autoconfirmed)</code>
(list of members)
* Be treated as an automated process <code>(bot)</code>
* Edit pages protected as "Allow only autoconfirmed users" <code>(editsemiprotected)</code>
* Have one's own edits automatically marked as patrolled <code>(autopatrol)</code>
* Not be affected by IP-based rate limits <code>(autoconfirmed)</code>
* Not create redirects from source pages when moving pages <code>(suppressredirect)</code>
* Not have minor edits to discussion pages trigger the new messages prompt <code>(nominornewtalk)</code>
* Perform CAPTCHA-triggering actions without having to go through the CAPTCHA <code>(skipcaptcha)</code>
* Use higher limits in API queries <code>(apihighlimits)</code>
* Use of the write API <code>(writeapi)</code>
(list of members)
* Edit all user rights <code>(userrights)</code>
* Not be affected by rate limits <code>(noratelimit)</code>
* Rename users <code>(renameuser)</code>
|Moderators (CommentStreams)
(list of members)
* Delete comments by any user <code>(cs-moderator-delete)</code>
|Interface administrators
(list of members)
* Edit other users' CSS files <code>(editusercss)</code>
* Edit other users' JSON files <code>(edituserjson)</code>
* Edit other users' JavaScript files <code>(edituserjs)</code>
* Edit sitewide CSS <code>(editsitecss)</code>
* Edit sitewide JSON <code>(editsitejson)</code>
* Edit sitewide JavaScript <code>(editsitejs)</code>
* Edit the user interface <code>(editinterface)</code>
|Push subscription managers
(list of members)
* Manage all push subscriptions <code>(manage-all-push-subscriptions)</code>
(list of members)
* Block a username, hiding it from the public <code>(hideuser)</code>
* Delete and undelete specific log entries <code>(deletelogentry)</code>
* Delete and undelete specific revisions of pages <code>(deleterevision)</code>
* View private logs <code>(suppressionlog)</code>
* View revisions hidden from any user <code>(viewsuppressed)</code>
* View, hide and unhide specific revisions of pages from any user <code>(suppressrevision)</code>
(list of members)
* Block a user from sending email <code>(blockemail)</code>
* Block other users from editing <code>(block)</code>
* Bypass IP blocks, auto-blocks and range blocks <code>(ipblock-exempt)</code>
* Change protection settings and edit cascade-protected pages <code>(protect)</code>
* Clear reviews <code>(clearreviews)</code>
* Create and (de)activate [[Special:Tags|tags]] <code>(managechangetags)</code>
* Create new user accounts <code>(createaccount)</code>
* Delete [[Special:Tags|tags]] from the database <code>(deletechangetags)</code>
* Delete a Cargo table <code>(deletecargodata)</code>
* Delete pages <code>(delete)</code>
* Delete pages with large histories <code>(bigdelete)</code>
* Edit interwiki data <code>(interwiki)</code>
* Edit other users' JSON files <code>(edituserjson)</code>
* Edit pages protected as "Allow only administrators" <code>(editprotected)</code>
* Edit pages protected as "Allow only autoconfirmed users" <code>(editsemiprotected)</code>
* Edit restricted form fields <code>(editrestrictedfields)</code>
* Edit sitewide JSON <code>(editsitejson)</code>
* Edit the user interface <code>(editinterface)</code>
* Have one's own edits automatically marked as patrolled <code>(autopatrol)</code>
* Import pages from a file upload <code>(importupload)</code>
* Import pages from other wikis <code>(import)</code>
* Make string replacements on the entire wiki <code>(replacetext)</code>
* Mark others' edits as patrolled <code>(patrol)</code>
* Mark rolled-back edits as bot edits <code>(markbotedits)</code>
* Merge the history of pages <code>(mergehistory)</code>
* Move category pages <code>(move-categorypages)</code>
* Move files <code>(movefile)</code>
* Move pages <code>(move)</code>
* Move pages with their subpages <code>(move-subpages)</code>
* Move root user pages <code>(move-rootuserpages)</code>
* Not be affected by IP-based rate limits <code>(autoconfirmed)</code>
* Not be affected by rate limits <code>(noratelimit)</code>
* Not create redirects from source pages when moving pages <code>(suppressredirect)</code>
* Override files on the shared media repository locally <code>(reupload-shared)</code>
* Overwrite existing files <code>(reupload)</code>
* Perform CAPTCHA-triggering actions without having to go through the CAPTCHA <code>(skipcaptcha)</code>
* Quickly rollback the edits of the last user who edited a particular page <code>(rollback)</code>
* Recreate data contained in Cargo tables <code>(recreatecargodata)</code>
* Search deleted pages <code>(browsearchive)</code>
* Unblock oneself <code>(unblockself)</code>
* Undelete a page <code>(undelete)</code>
* Upload files <code>(upload)</code>
* Use higher limits in API queries <code>(apihighlimits)</code>
* View a list of unwatched pages <code>(unwatchedpages)</code>
* View deleted history entries, without their associated text <code>(deletedhistory)</code>
* View deleted text and changes between deleted revisions <code>(deletedtext)</code>
* View score for the page based on reviews <code>(viewpagescore)</code>
[[Special:ListUsers|(list of members)]]
* Add and remove arbitrary [[Special:Tags|tags]] on individual revisions and log entries <code>(changetags)</code>
* Apply [[Special:Tags|tags]] along with one's changes <code>(applychangetags)</code>
* Create discussion pages <code>(createtalk)</code>
* Create new "classes" of pages <code>(createclass)</code>
* Create pages (which are not discussion pages) <code>(createpage)</code>
* Edit multiple pages using a spreadsheet <code>(multipageedit)</code>
* Edit pages <code>(edit)</code>
* Edit the content model of a page <code>(editcontentmodel)</code>
* Edit your own user CSS files <code>(editmyusercss)</code>
* Edit your own user JSON files <code>(editmyuserjson)</code>
* Edit your own user JavaScript files <code>(editmyuserjs)</code>
* Edit your own user JavaScript files that are redirects <code>(editmyuserjsredirect)</code>
* Mark edits as minor <code>(minoredit)</code>
* Move category pages <code>(move-categorypages)</code>
* Move files <code>(movefile)</code>
* Move pages <code>(move)</code>
* Move pages with their subpages <code>(move-subpages)</code>
* Move root user pages <code>(move-rootuserpages)</code>
* Override files on the shared media repository locally <code>(reupload-shared)</code>
* Overwrite existing files <code>(reupload)</code>
* Post, edit, and delete user's own comments <code>(cs-comment)</code>
* Purge the cache for a page <code>(purge)</code>
* Read pages <code>(read)</code>
* Send email to other users <code>(sendemail)</code>
* Upload files <code>(upload)</code>
* Use a link redirecting to the pending reviews page <code>(pendingreviewslink)</code>
* Use of the write API <code>(writeapi)</code>

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