Draft2:U.S.-Israel Center of Excellence in Energy, Engineering and Water Technology

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The U.S.-Israel Energy Center, originally the U.S.-Israel Center of Excellence in Energy, Engineering and Water Technology (“the Center”), is a collaborative framework designed to promote energy research and development between the United States and Israel.

The establishment of a joint U.S.-Israel Energy Center was first authorized by Congress in the U.S.-Israel Strategic Partnership Act of 2014. The U.S. DOE and Israel’s Ministry of Energy signed an Implementation Agreement on June 25, 2018, establishing the Center. In February 2019, DOE announced the BIRD Foundation as the operating agent of the U.S.-Israel Energy Center.

Memorandum of understanding

The Implementing Agreement provides the foundation for the establishment of the Center, which aims to accelerate development and more rapid deployment of critical and innovative technologies for fossil energy, energy cybersecurity in critical infrastructure, the energy-water nexus, energy storage, and other areas of energy that are needed to diversify energy supply and promote higher efficiency.

Further areas of collaboration include:

  • additional R&D cooperation
  • technology transfer best practices from academic institutions and National Laboratories for application by industry in the United States and Israel
  • workforce training and educational programs
  • student and postdoctoral exchange

The Center’s activity will be in addition to that of the BIRD Energy program, which has been active since 2009.

The Center is a meaningful strengthening of the cooperation between the United States and Israel in the field of energy and will provide the foundation for further strengthening of this relationship in the future.


In March 2018, the United States Congress appropriated $4 million for the Department of Energy to establish the Center. This sum will be matched by the Israeli government as well as by private sector partners, for a total targeted initial sum of $16 million dedicated to this project.


In 2009, the U.S. and Israel initiated BIRD Energy, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and by the Ministry of Energy (MOE) jointly with the Israel Innovation Authority (IIA). BIRD Energy has been a successful implementation of U.S.- Israel R&D collaboration in renewable energy and energy efficiency, by funding joint projects between U.S. and Israel companies (one from each country), with the goal of reaching commercialization of innovative technologies.

The expansion of the U.S.- Israel energy cooperation was authorized in the U.S.- Israel Strategic Partnership Act of 2014. This legislation included authorization for the establishment of a joint U.S.- Israel Energy Center.

In 2016, the Israeli Government approved the expansion of the U.S.- Israel energy cooperation, providing funding until 2024.

In June 2018, The DOE and the MOE signed an Implementation Agreement of the U.S.- Israel Energy Center, fully named: The U.S.- Israel Center of Excellence for Energy, Engineering and Water Technology. The goal of the Energy Center is to promote energy security and economic development through the research and development of innovative energy technologies in 4 Topics (see below), by facilitating expanded cooperation between consortia of U.S. and Israeli companies, universities and research institutions.

In Israel, the Energy Center is managed jointly by the MOE and the IIA. The DOE, MOE and IIA selected the BIRD Foundation to manage the Energy Center.

The Energy Center is a 5-year program, covering 4 Topics: Fossil Energy, Energy Storage, Energy Cyber and Energy-Water Nexus. For each Topic, a consortium of U.S. and Israel companies and/or universities and/or research institutions will jointly perform research and development, leading to know-how/technology transfer from academia to industry and significantly accelerating deployment of technologies.


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