Draft2:Research Partnership to Secure Energy for America

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The Research Partnership to Secure Energy for America (RPSEA) is a multi-purpose entity established to facilitate a cooperative effort to identify and develop new methods and integrated systems for exploring, producing, and transporting-to-market energy or other derivative products from ultra-deepwater and unconventional natural gas and other petroleum resources, and to ensure that small producers continue to have access to the technical and knowledge resources necessary to continue their important contribution to energy production in the U.S. RPSEA issues Requests for Proposals to solicit R&D proposals related to technology for ultra-deepwater and unconventional natural gas and petroleum. The portfolio of these projects forms an element of the broader R&D portfolio of the Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management.

Official Site - rpsea.org

Legislative history

The Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct), signed into law in August 2005, added another dimension to DOE’s overall oil and natural gas research and development effort. EPAct’s Title IX, Subtitle J, Section 999 (the Ultra-Deepwater and Unconventional Natural Gas and Other Petroleum Resources Research Program) enhanced opportunities to demonstrate technologies in the field and accelerate their implementation in the marketplace. This program is a public/private partnership valued at $400 million over 8 years.

Requests for Proposals

Solicitation number Issue date Issuing office Title Closing date Date of award
RFP2012 SP001 March 14, 2013 RPSEA 2012 Small Producer Program June 12, 2013 Open
RFP2012 UN001 March 5, 2013 RPSEA 2012 Unconventional Onshore Program June 5, 2013 Open
RFP2011 UDW002 October 18, 2012 RPSEA 2012 Ultra-Deepwater Program December 18, 2012 Under review
RFP2011 UDW001 July 20, 2012 RPSEA 2011 Ultra-Deepwater Program September 18, 2012 Under review
RFP2011 UN001 December 20, 2011 RPSEA 2011 Unconventional Onshore Program March 6, 2012 November 28, 2012
RFP2011 SP001 December 13, 2011 RPSEA 2011 Small Producer Program February 27, 2012 June 20, 2012
RFP2010 UDW007 September 28, 2011 RPSEA 2010 Ultra-Deepwater Technical Areas of Interest 4305 and 4405 November 30, 2011 May 21, 2012
RFP2010 UDW006 May 17, 2011 RPSEA 2010 Ultra-Deepwater Need 2 Technical Area of Interest July 18, 2011 November 22, 2011
RFP2010 UDW005 May 17, 2011 RPSEA 2010 Ultra-Deepwater Need 6 Technical Area of Interest July 18, 2011 November 22, 2011
RFP2010 UDW004 April 21, 2011 RPSEA 2010 Ultra-Deepwater Need 4 Technical Area of Interest June 21, 2011 November 22, 2011
RFP2010 UDW003 April 7, 2011 RPSEA 2010 Ultra-Deepwater Need 3 Technical Area of Interest June 7, 2011 November 22, 2011
RFP2010 UDW002 March 24, 2011 RPSEA 2010 Ultra-Deepwater Need 1 Technical Area of Interest May 24, 2011 November 22, 2011
RFP2010 UDW001 March 9, 2011 RPSEA 2010 Ultra-Deepwater Follow-on Phases Technical Areas of Interest May 9, 2011 November 22, 2011
RFP2010 UN001 September 2, 2010 RPSEA 2010 Unconventional Onshore Program November 5, 2010 August 1, 2011
RFP2010 SP001 July 28, 2010 RPSEA 2010 Small Producer Program September 28, 2010 ?
RFP2010 TT001 February 1, 2010 RPSEA 2010 Technology Transfer Activities March 2, 2010 ?

