Draft2:Network of National Laboratories for Environmental Management and Stewardship

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The Network of National Laboratories for Environmental Management and Stewardship (NNLEMS or Lab Network) establishes a partnership of Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDC) managed by DOE. This partnership advances the effectiveness of the scientific and technical expertise in the DOE National Laboratory Complex (National Labs) toward meeting the objectives of both EM’s legacy nuclear waste cleanup mission and LM’s long-term surveillance and maintenance mission.

As FFRDCs, 16 of the Department’s 17 National Labs conduct business in a manner befitting their special relationships with the Government, to meet special long-term research or development needs for DOE. They operate in the public interest with objectivity and independence and remain free from organizational conflicts of interest. To fulfill their FFRDC responsibilities to their sponsoring agency, the National Labs are afforded access to Government and supplier data, including sensitive and proprietary data, as necessary to support the sponsor’s mission, which may include input and assessments related to sponsor decisions and strategies

The NNLEMS functions as an interface or focal point for information exchange, consensus building, and coordination to facilitate EM’s and LM’s ability to access and leverage the capabilities of the National Labs. The NNLEMS is led by the Director of the Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL), as part of SRNL’s responsibilities as Lead (or Corporate) Lab for both EM and LM.

DOE's role

It was jointly sponsored by the Office of Environmental Management (EM) and Office of Legacy Management (LM).


The NNLEMS carries out the following functions in support of the EM and LM Missions:

  • Response – Identify and coordinate resources for technical support to address emergent events
  • associated with DOE clean-up and long-term monitoring activities.
  • Review – Identify and coordinate resources for independent technical review of DOE plans or
  • activities.
  • Collaborate – Supplement existing and ongoing DOE innovative applied research through collaboration with DOE contractors, DOE staff, other federal agencies, academia, and industry.
  • Policy - Provide scientific and technical analysis to DOE and to stakeholders as directed by DOE regarding legacy waste cleanup, disposal, and long-term stewardship policy options and issues.
  • Planning - Provide integrated science and technology perspective to support strategic planning for EM and LM at national and individual site levels.
  • Resource - Coordinate and serve as gateway for DOE and its contractors into the broader set of 17 National Labs with EM- and LM-related capabilities that have been developed and supported across all DOE offices.
  • Consult – Provide technical expertise to inform DOE contract decisions and language, funding allocations, and technical feasibility of contractor proposals consistent with terms and conditions of the appropriate organizational conflict of interest mitigation plan and in compliance with DEAR 952.209-72 requirements.


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