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> SaintMiracle1:
No specific miracles for canonization recorded
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No specific miracles recorded for canonization
Healing of a Brazilian boy with brain injury
Prediction of the siege of Benevento by Emperor Constans II
Restoration of Duke Hayson’s son to life
Alleged walking across the Sambre River
Banishing snakes from Ireland
Conversion of their jailer Marcellus and others during imprisonment
Cure of Giuseppe Carlo Audino from cancer (beatification)
Cured a child from choking on a fish bone
Dove landing on his head during papal election
Ecstasy and stigmata
Fed by a raven bringing bread daily
Hair grew to cover her nakedness during martyrdom
Harvest miracle during a storm
Healing of a blind man at his tomb in 1323
Healing of a blind woman in 1767
Healing of a child with a severe illness
Healing of a deaf-mute girl in 1658
Healing of a dying woman during travel with Rafaele Melia
Other values:
Healing of Amy Wall, a baby with severe ear and hearing issues
Healing of Ann Theresa O'Neill from leukemia
Healing of Eva Benassi, a young girl with acute peritonitis (confirmed for beatification)
Healing of Maria Teresa Doglio from tuberculosis in 1928
Healing of a man with a severe illness
Healing of a mute boy during his lifetime
Healing of a nun from a tumor (confirmed for beatification, 1940s)
Healing of the sick during his lifetime
Healing the jailer's daughter from blindness
Her cloak miraculously expanded to cover land for her monastery
Intercession leading to the liberation of Padua from Ezzelino III da Romano in 1256
Miracles associated with her tomb
Miracles at her grave, including incorruptibility
Miracles at his tomb
Miracles attributed to her after her martyrdom
Miracles during his lifetime with orphans
Miracles of healing through his intercession
Miraculous blooming of violets from her deathbed
Miraculous escape from prison aided by an angel
Miraculous multiplication of bread
Miraculous voyage from Majorca to Barcelona
No recorded miracle for beatification
No specific miracle for beatification recorded
No specific miracle recorded for beatification
No specific miracles for canonization recorded
No specific miracles recorded for canonization; recognized for his life's work
One soldier's death upon renouncing faith, another's conversion and immediate martyrdom
Posthumous miracles at his tomb
Rain during a drought in Cahors after his preaching
Rescuing all hospital patients during a fire
Restoration of sight to a blind man
Sweet perfume emitted from his remains 50 years after death
Virgin Mary presenting him with a chasuble
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Healing of sick individuals
Healing of the sick through her intercession
Visions of heaven and hell
Apparition curing Constantia, daughter of Constantine
Bilocation witnessed by St. Philip Neri
Burial by lions digging his grave
Explanation of the Holy Trinity using a shamrock
Ground swelling to elevate him while preaching
Healed animals
Healing attributed to his intercession posthumously
Healing King Roger II's wound
Healing miracles at her tomb
Healing miracles attributed to their intercession post-martyrdom
Healing of a 4-year-old boy with a malignant brain tumor (canonization)
Healing of a nun from a severe illness
Healing of a woman from terminal cancer (confirmed for canonization, 1970s)
Healing of a woman with a tumor
Healing of Anna Maria Gaudiani’s paralyzed arm in 1664
Healing of Carl Kalin from encephalitis
Healing of Maria Colasanti from imminent death
Healing of Michael Flanigan, a boy with terminal bone cancer (confirmed for canonization)
Healing of Robert Gutherman from a severe skin condition
Healing of Teresa Callegari from paralysis in 1933
Healing of Teresa Ponzoni’s paralyzed limbs in 1806
No recorded miracle for canonization; martyrdom was sufficient
No specific miracle recorded for canonization; recognized through communal sanctity
Passing through flames unscathed
Posthumous cures at his tomb
Posthumous cures at his tomb, confirmed for canonization
Posthumous healing miracles
Posthumous miracles at his tomb
Preservation of Walter de Muda’s parchment poem
Spider weaving a web to conceal his hiding place
Turning water into beer for the poor
Visions of divine guidance
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Bishop, Preacher
Bishop, Theologian
Monk, Missionary, Abbot
Priest, Educator, Founder
Shepherd, Visionary
Virgin, Martyr
Abbess, Virgin
Artist, Dominican Friar
Bishop (Pope), Layman
Bishop, Disciple of John the Apostle
Bishop, Missionary
Bishop, Senator
Bishop, Theologian, Catechist
Bishop, Theologian, Writer
Canon Lawyer, Teacher, Confessor
Canon, Archdeacon (prior to episcopacy)
Canon, Bishop
Carmelite Friar, Bishop, Papal Legate
Other values:
Christian Convert
Deaconess, Virgin
Dominican Friar, Theologian, Philosopher
Educator, Foundress, Religious Sister
Educator, Philanthropist
Evangelist, Bishop
Evangelist, Missionary, Bishop
Hermit, Founder of religious order
Homemaker, Mystic
Housewife, Businesswoman
Jesuit Novice, Preacher
King of Kent
Lawyer, Judge, Archbishop
Lawyer, Priest, Franciscan Friar
Matron, Mystic, Abbess
Matrona (noblewoman)
Merchant, Religious Brother
Monk, Ascetic, Abbot
Monk, Bishop, Teacher
Monk, Bishop, Theologian
Monk, Cardinal, Reformer, Doctor of the Church
Monk, Farmer
None (lived off family wealth before priesthood)
Nun, Abbess
Nun, Abbess, Reformer
Nun, Mystic
Pacifist, Penitent, Nurse
Pagan High Priest, Christian Convert
Patriarch, Statesman, Lay Administrator
Philanthropist, Educator, Religious Sister
Philosopher, Theologian, Minister General
Physician, Bishop
Pope, Bishop of Rome
Preacher, Missionary
Priest, Farmer
Priest, Friar
Priest, Physician
Princess, Abbess
Princess, Nun, Abbess
Queen, Patroness
Religious Brother, Porter
Shepherd, Franciscan lay brother
Shepherdess, Nun
Singer (church lector), Monk
Social Worker, Educator, Mystic
Soldier, Hermit, Mystic, Counselor
Soldier, Priest, Founder of Religious Order
Soldier, Shepherd, Bookseller, Hospital worker
Soldiers in the Roman Army, Legio XII Fulminata
Student (prior to religious life)
Teacher, Seamstress (prior to religious life)
Thief, Repentant Sinner
Wealthy citizens (prior to martyrdom)
Widow, Prioress
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