Educators, immigrants, sick children Educators, orphans, the sick, handicapped, women’s education Educators, the poor, Canada Eucharistic congresses and societies, cooks, shepherds, victims of calumny Finland Franciscan students and scholars Handicapped individuals, San Gimignano Harvesters, farmers Harvests, light, crops Headaches, Insomniacs, Spiritual Directors Homeless people, falsely accused people, midwives, reformed prostitutes, single mothers Hospitals, the sick, nurses, firefighters, booksellers, printers, heart patients Ireland, Nigeria, Montserrat, engineers, excluded people, snake-catchers Ireland, dairymaids, cattle, midwives, Irish nuns, newborn babies, poets, scholars, blacksmiths, and poultry farmers Japan, martyrs of Japan Jerusalem, catechists, catechumens Large families, disappointing children, falsely accused people, queens, second marriages, widows Lawyers, Sigmaringen, Germany Lima, Peru; Native American rights; Latin American bishops Lithuania, Poland, Lithuanian youth Love, engaged couples, happy marriages, beekeepers, epilepsy Married couples, the sick Monks, Cappadocia Mothers, expectant mothers, cattle Mothers, expectant mothers, martyrs Obedience Orphans, abandoned children Orvieto, Italy Paris, disasters, fever Preachers Prisoners, thieves, funeral directors, repentant sinners, those in their death agony Racial justice, Philanthropy, Education of Black and Native American people Rome, pigeons Scholars, Students, Teachers, Episcopal attire Scholars, philosophers, theologians, students, universities, Catholic schools Schoolchildren, Catholic schools, widows, loss of children, death of parents Sick people Sick, afflicted, Montreal, Canada Sickness, bodily ills Smyrna, Earache sufferers Social workers, Christian charity workers, widows, those rejected by religious orders Soldiers, policemen, memory, resistance to persecution Students Switzerland, Council of State of Switzerland, difficult marriages, large families, separated spouses The sick, Royal Abbey of Longchamp Theologians, orthodoxy, Alexandria Throat illnesses, wool combers, wild animals, Dubrovnik Toledo (Spain), virginity, Visigothic Spain Tours (France), Foix (France), vine growers Universal Church, fathers, workers, immigrants, the dying, a happy death, and many countries including Canada, Mexico, and the Philippines Venice, notaries, lawyers, prisoners, barristers, glaziers, painters, and scribes Virgins, chastity, girls, engaged couples, rape survivors, gardeners Wales, poets, vegetarians Weavers, hermits, basket makers Women seeking to conceive, expectant mothers, sick children, against eye trouble, and the city of Corbie Writers, journalists, deaf people, educators, Catholic press Youth, educators, magicians, juvenile delinquents, editors, publishers