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> NotableAddress2:
Clara, County Offaly, Ireland
Cure of a paralyzed man in 1861
Healed animals
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Constantinople (now Istanbul, Turkey)
Afila Monastery, Piedmont
Avignon, Papal States (now France)
Baltimore, Maryland, United States
Barcelona, Dominican Convent
Chaise-Dieu Abbey, France
Chichester Cathedral, Chichester, England
Chieri, Kingdom of Sardinia (now Italy)
Cistercian Abbey of Pontigny, Burgundy, France
Cistercian Monastery, Toulouse, France
· Clara, County Offaly, Ireland ·
Constance, Germany (Theological studies)
Constantinople, Byzantine Empire (during exile)
Constantinople, Eastern Roman Empire (now Istanbul, Turkey)
Convent of Poor Clares, Ghent
Convent of Saint-Gildard, Nevers, France
Convent of Santa Maria sopra Minerva, Rome, Italy
Convent of the Annunciation, Bourges, France
Emmitsburg, Maryland (Saint Joseph's Academy and Free School)
Other values:
Engern, Westphalia, Germany
Ephesus, Roman Empire (now Turkey)
Franciscan Friary, Bologna, Italy
Geneva, Switzerland (then Calvinist stronghold)
Hagia Sophia, Constantinople (historical)
Henfynyw, Cardigan, Wales
Hospital of St. Francis, Prague
Jesuit Seminary, Takatsuki, Japan
Lagny-sur-Marne, Neustria, Francia (now France)
Lindisfarne Priory, Holy Island, Northumbria (modern-day Northumberland, England)
Monastery near Bethlehem, Judea
Monastery of St. Francis of Paola, Tours, France
Monastery of the Discalced Trinitarians, Valladolid, Spain
Monastery of the Friars Minor, Villareal, Spain
Monte Senario, Italy
Mother Cabrini Shrine, New York City, NY, USA
Naples, Kingdom of Sicily (now Italy)
Nidaros Cathedral, Trondheim, Norway
Pia Casa di Carità, Rome, Italy
Reims Cathedral, Reims, France
Rome, Italy (Cardinal-Bishop)
Rome, Italy (site of his pilgrimage)
Rome, Papal States (now Italy)
Rome, Roman Empire (now Italy)
Sant’Agnese in Agone, Rome, Italy
Saul, County Down, Ireland (site of his first church)
Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament Motherhouse, Bensalem, Pennsylvania
St. Joseph's Oratory, Montreal
Turku, Finland
Venice, Italy (education of nephews)
Ville-Marie (early Montreal), New France
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Healing of sick individuals
Healing of the sick through her intercession
Apparition curing Constantia, daughter of Constantine
Bilocation witnessed by St. Philip Neri
Burial by lions digging his grave
Cure of a boy’s paralysis in 1899
Cure of a child’s meningitis in 1968
Cure of a child’s paralysis in 1932
· Cure of a paralyzed man in 1861 ·
Cure of a woman’s cancer in 1899
Cure of a woman’s cancer in 1945
Cure of a woman’s paralysis in 1597
Explanation of the Holy Trinity using a shamrock
Ground swelling to elevate him while preaching
· Healed animals ·
Healing at the Shrine of San Vicente
Healing attributed to his intercession posthumously
Healing King Roger II's wound
Healing miracles at her tomb
Other values:
Healing miracles attributed to their intercession post-martyrdom
Healing miracles reported at his tomb
Healing of Anna Maria Gaudiani’s paralyzed arm in 1664
Healing of Carl Kalin from encephalitis
Healing of Maria Colasanti from imminent death
Healing of Michael Flanigan, a boy with terminal bone cancer (confirmed for canonization)
Healing of Robert Gutherman from a severe skin condition
Healing of Teresa Callegari from paralysis in 1933
Healing of Teresa Ponzoni’s paralyzed limbs in 1806
Healing of a 4-year-old boy with a malignant brain tumor (canonization)
Healing of a child with a mortal illness
Healing of a crippled boy in Salamanca, c. 1412
Healing of a nun from a severe illness
Healing of a woman from terminal cancer (confirmed for canonization, 1970s)
Healing of a woman with a tumor
Miraculous healing of the sick
No recorded miracle for canonization; martyrdom was sufficient
No specific miracle recorded for canonization; recognized through communal sanctity
Passing through flames unscathed
Posthumous cures at his tomb
Posthumous cures at his tomb, confirmed for canonization
Posthumous healing miracles
Posthumous miracles at his tomb
Preservation of Walter de Muda’s parchment poem
Restoration of sight to a child in 1261
Spider weaving a web to conceal his hiding place
Stopped an eruption of Mount Etna
Turning water into beer for the poor
Visions of divine guidance
Visions of heaven and hell
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