Draft2:Science Accelerating Girls’ Engagement
The Science Accelerating Girls’ Engagement (SAGE) aims to engage curious and passionate young women and empower them to explore a wide range of possibilities for their futures. Hosted by professional leaders who share their passion for Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics (STEM), SAGE builds community, fosters innovation, and sets young women on a path to exciting careers.
The program is a partnership, led by the Office of High Energy Physics and Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation.
SAGE is a week and a half long summer day-camp for high school students (ages 14-17) hosted by National Laboratory scientists and engineers to share what life is like in STEM professions. High school students will participate in hands-on activities including: hands-on scientific projects, job shadowing scientists and engineers, ORNL facility tours, STEM career talks, and discussions about professional growth.
- Brookhaven National Laboratory
- Fermilab - https://news.fnal.gov/2023/03/new-stem-program-for-high-school-girls-comes-to-fermilab/
- Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory - https://k12education.lbl.gov/programs/high-school/sage
- Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Lawrence Livermore Lab
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory - https://education.ornl.gov/sage-faqs/
- SLAC National Laboratory - https://sage.slac.stanford.edu/
The SAGE Journey Program is supported by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and the Office of High Energy Physics within the Office of Science.
For more information about SAGE please contact info@mySAGEjourney.org.
External links
- Official website
- https://www.energy.gov/events/science-accelerating-girls-engagement-stem-sage-s-camp
Social media
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