Draft2:Fuel Cell Consortium for Performance and Durability
{{#evt:service=youtube|id=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2W5rCRmnpjM&feature=emb_title%7Calignment=right%7Cdimensions=400%7Cdescription=FCTO Consortia Overview (HyMARC and FC-PAD)}}
The Fuel Cell Consortium for Performance and Durability (FC-PAD) will aid in the understanding of—and lead to significant improvements in—fuel cell performance and durability.
The Fuel Cell Consortium for Performance and Durability (FC-PAD) coordinates national laboratory activities related to fuel cell performance and durability, provides technical expertise, and integrates activities with industrial developers.
It was formed under the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office within the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.
FC-PAD will aid in the understanding of—and lead to significant improvements in—fuel cell performance and durability.
- Provide technical expertise and harmonize activities with industrial developers.
- Serve as a resource that amplifies FCTO's impact by leveraging the core capabilities of constituent members.
- Help disseminate data to developers.
- Couple national lab capabilities with future funding opportunity announcements for an influx of innovative ideas and research from the broader research and development community.
- Foster sustained capabilities and collaborations.
Research Objectives
- Advance performance and durability of PEMFCs at a pre-competitive level to further enable their commercialization.
- Develop the knowledge base and optimize structures for more durable and high-performance PEMFC components, while simultaneously reducing cost.
- Improve high-current-density performance at low platinum (Pt) loadings (0.125 mg/cm2 total).
- Improve component durability—such as membrane stabilization, self-healing, or electrode-layer stabilization.
The Fuel Cell Technologies Office has established collaborative research consortia comprising a core team of U.S. Department of Energy national laboratories and competitively selected individual projects. These core teams have the responsibility to carry out foundational research and provide support for the individual project’s research efforts. As a collaborative effort, it is expected that the national laboratory core team will have substantial involvement with each individual project’s research effort.
- Los Alamos National Laboratory - consortium lead
- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory - deputy lead
- Technical partners
Innovations from the broader research and development community will be brought into the FC-PAD consortium through a Funding Opportunity Announcement.
FC-PAD’s activities are coordinated across six different thrust areas: three component-specific areas and three cross-cutting efforts between subject areas. The component thrusts are shown in Figure 2 as 1 through 3:
- electrocatalysts and supports,
- electrode layers, and
- ionomer, gas diffusion layers, and bipolar plates.
The cross-cutting “technique” thrusts are shown in Figure 2 as 4 through 6:
- (4) modeling and validation,
- (5) operando evaluation and benchmarking, including accelerated stress tests and contaminant testing/tolerance, and (6) component characterization and diagnostics.
These cross-cutting technique thrusts will be developed within FC-PAD and applied to the component thrusts as innovation in those thrusts are brought forth. View an in-depth description of the organization of FC-PAD, including its scientific activities.
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External links
- FC-PAD: Fuel Cell Consortium for Performance and Durability - Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy page on energy.gov
- FCTO Consortia Overview Webinar (HyMARC and FC-PAD)
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