Comments are typically added to Saintapedia in three ways:
Talk pages
Discussion pages (often referred to as "talk" pages or comment pages) are companion pages for every article in Saintapedia where users can discuss the page, its needs, strengths and weaknesses, etc.
Editor comments
On Saintapedia, hidden text is text that is visible when editing the source for the page or when using VisualEditor, but not on the "rendered" version of the page presented to readers of the article.
Editors use "invisible" comments – not shown in the rendered page seen by readers of the article, but visible in the wiki source when an editor opens the article for editing – to communicate with one another.
Invisible comments are useful for alerting other editors to issues such as common mistakes that regularly occur in the article, a section title's being the target of an incoming link, or pointing to a discussion that established a consensus relating to the article. They should not be used to instruct other editors not to perform certain edits, although where existing local consensus is against making such an edit, they may usefully draw the editor's attention to that. Avoid adding too many invisible comments because they can clutter the wiki source for other editors.
See Invisible comments on Wikipedia for more information.
Visual editor
- Open the Insert menu
- Selecting "Comment" will allow you to insert comments that are not visible to readers; these comments can be seen only when in edit mode and are then indicated by an exclamation mark icon.
Enhanced editor
Enter and replace the words "Your comment here" with the hidden text you wish to enter.