Saintapedia:Lists of common misspellings/D
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Template:Powerpedia:Lists of common misspellings/Instructions
- dael - (deal, dial, dahl)
- Dalmation - (Dalmatian)
- damageing - (damaging)
- dammage - (damage)
- danceing - (dancing)
- dangerious - (dangerous)
- daschund - (dachshund)
- datas - (data [plural], data's [possessive])
- daugher - (daughter)
- daugter - (daughter)
- daugther - (daughter)
- damenor - (demeanor)
- de-facto - (de facto)
- de-jure - (de jure)
- deactive - (deactivate, inactive)
- dealed - (dealt)
- deam - (deem, dream)
- debateable - (debatable)
- debute - (debut)
- decadance - (decadence)
- decadant - (decadent)
- decathalon - (decathlon)
- decend - (descend)
- decendant - (descendant)
- decendent - (descendant, descendent)
- decern - (discern)
- decideable - (decidable)
- decidely - (decidedly)
- decidly - (decidedly)
- decieve - (deceive)
- decigramme - (decigram)
- decilitre - (deciliter)
- decimetre - (decimeter)
- decomposit - (decompose)
- decomposited - (decomposed)
- decompositing - (decomposing)
- decomposits - (decomposes)
- decrepid - (decrepit)
- decribe - (describe)
- decribing - (describing)
- decypher - (decipher)
- decyphered - (deciphered)
- deep-seeded - (deep-seated)
- defecit - (deficit)
- defence - (defense)
- defencive - (defensive)
- defendent - (defendant)
- defendor - (defender)
- defensed - (defended)
- deffine - (define)
- deffined - (defined)
- deffinite - (definite)
- deffinition - (definition)
- definance - (defiance)
- definate - (definite)
- definately - (definitely)
- definatly - (definitely)
- definetly - (definitely)
- definit - (definite)
- definitley - (definitely)
- definitly - (definitely)
- definiton - (definition)
- defintion - (definition)
- defuncted - (defunct)
- degredation - (degradation)
- deites - (deities)
- delagate - (delegate)
- delapidate - (dilapidate)
- delhi - (Delhi)
- demenor - (demeanor)
- deminish - (diminish)
- demographical (acceptable variant of demographic)
- denegrating - (denigrating)
- dependance - (dependence)
- dependancy - (dependency)
- dependant - (dependent [noun])
- deram - (dram, dream)
- derivated - (derived)
- deriviated - (derived)
- deriviative - (derivative)
- derogitory - (derogatory)
- descendent (variant of descendant)
- descendents (acceptable variant of descendants))
- descision - (decision)
- descisions - (decisions)
- descuss - (discuss)
- desease - (disease)
- desend - (descend)
- desgin - (design)
- desginate - (designate)
- desgined - (designed)
- deside - (decide)
- designes - (designs)
- desimination - (dissemination)
- desinged - (designed)
- desinger - (designer)
- desintegrated - (disintegrated)
- desintegration - (disintegration)
- desireable - (desirable)
- desirible - (desirable)
- desolution - (dissolution)
- desolve - (dissolve)
- desparate - (desperate, disparate)
- desparately - (desperately, disparately)
- desparation - (desperation)
- despatch - (dispatch)
- despiration - (desperation)
- desribe - (describe)
- dessicated - (desiccated)
- dessication - (desiccation)
- dessigned - (designed)
- destory - (destroy)
- destoryer - (destroyer)
- detachement - (detachment)
- detailled - (detailed)
- detatch - (detach)
- detatched - (detached)
- detatchment - (detachment)
- detecter - (detector)
- deterance - (deterrence)
- deterant - (deterrent)
- deterence - (deterrence)
- deterent - (deterrent)
- deteriation - (deterioration)
- determent - (determent [deter], deterrent, detriment)
- determing - (determining)
- determinining - (determining)
- deterrance - (deterrence)
- deterrant - (deterrent)
- detrement - (detriment)
- detremental - (detrimental)
- Detriot - (Detroit)
- develope - (develop)
- developement - (development)
- developemet - (development)
- developped - (developed)
- developper - (developer)
- develp - (develop)
- devestate - (devastate)
- devestation - (devastation)
- devide - (divide)
- devision - (division)
- devistate - (devastate)
- devistation - (devastation)
- devolopement - (development)
- devolopment - (development)
- devolopped - (developed)
- dialate - (dilate)
- dialation - (dilation)
- dialled - (dialed)
- dialogue (variant of dialog)
- dialouge - (dialog, dialogue)
- diaster - (disaster)
- diciple - (disciple)
- dicision - (decision)
- dicover - (discover)
- dicovered - (discovered)
- dicovering - (discovering)
- dicovery - (discovery)
- dicuss - (discuss)
- dicussion - (discussion)
- did'nt - (did not, didn't)
- didnt - (didn't)
- diea - (idea, die)
- dieing - (dying [death], dyeing [coloring])
- diesal - (diesel)
- dieties - (deities)
- diety - (deity)
- diference - (difference)
- diferent - (different)
- diferrent - (different)
- differant - (different)
- differnt - (different)
- diffrent - (different)
- dificult - (difficult)
- dificulties - (difficulties)
- dificulty - (difficulty)
- digged - (dug)
- digitaly - (digitally)
- digitise - (variant of digitize)
- dignatary - (dignitary)
- dilletante - (dilettante)
- dilligence - (diligence)
- dilligent - (diligent)
- dillute - (dilute)
- dimenion - (dimension)
- dimention - (dimension)
- dimentional - (dimensional)
- diminuation - (diminution)
- diminuative - (diminutive)
- diminuition - (diminution)
- diminuitive - (diminutive)
- dimished - (diminished)
- dimishes - (diminishes)
- dimunitive - (diminutive)
- dinasty - (dynasty)
- diphtong - (diphthong)
- diphtongs - (diphthongs)
- diplay - (display)
- diplayed - (displayed)
- diptheria - (diphtheria)
- dipthong - (diphthong)
- dipthongs - (diphthongs)
- direcly - (directly)
- directer - (director)
- directon - (direction)
- dirived - (derived)
- disapear - (disappear)
- disapoint - (disappoint)
- disapointment - (disappointment)
- disappearence - (disappearance)
- disaproval - (disapproval)
- disaprove - (disapprove)
- disasterous - (disastrous)
- disatisfaction - (dissatisfaction)
- disatisfied - (dissatisfied)
- disc (variant of disk)
- discrepency - (discrepancy)
- discribe - (describe)
- discribed - (described)
- discribes - (describes)
- discribing - (describing)
- discription - (description)
- disctinction - (distinction)
- disctinctive - (distinctive)
- disect - (bisect, dissect)
- disection - (bisection, dissection)
- disemination - (dissemination)
- disenchanged - (disenchanted)
- disfunctional - (dysfunctional)
- disobediance - (disobedience)
- disobediant - (disobedient)
- disolution - (dissolution)
- disolve - (dissolve)
- disorientated (variant of disoriented)
- dispair - (despair)
- disparingly - (despairingly, disparagingly)
- dispence - (dispense)
- dispenced - (dispensed)
- dispencing - (dispensing)
- disperate - (desperate, disparate)
- dispicable - (despicable)
- dispite - (despite)
- disputandem - (disputandum)
- dissagreement - (disagreement)
- dissapear - (disappear)
- dissapearance - (disappearance)
- dissapeared - (disappeared)
- dissapearing - (disappearing)
- dissapoint - (disappoint)
- dissapointed - (disappointed)
- dissapointment - (disappointment)
- dissappear - (disappear)
- dissappears - (disappears)
- dissappointed - (disappointed)
- dissappointment - (disappointment)
- dissarray - (disarray)
- dissobediance - (disobedience)
- dissobediant - (disobedient)
- dissobedience - (disobedience)
- dissobedient - (disobedient)
- dissoluted - (dissolved)
- distict - (distinct, district)
- distiction - (distinction)
- distil - (distill)
- distilation - (distillation)
- distingish - (distinguish)
- distingished - (distinguished)
- distingishes - (distinguishes)
- distirb - (disturb)
- distopia - (dystopia)
- distributer - (distributor)
- distroy - (destroy)
- distrub - (disturb)
- distrubed - (disturbed)
- distruction - (destruction)
- distructive - (destructive)
- diversed - (diverse, diverged)
- divesture (variant of divestiture)
- divice - (device)
- divinition - (divination)
- divised - (devised, divided)
- divison - (division)
- divisons - (divisions)
- do'nt - (do not, don't)
- doccument - (document)
- doccumented - (documented)
- documentery - (documentary)
- documentry - (documentary)
- doed - (did)
- doens - (does)
- does'nt - (does not, doesn't)
- doesnt - (does not, doesn't)
- doign - (doing)
- dolour - (dolor)
- dominent - (dominant)
- dominiant - (dominant)
- doned - (donned)
- donig - (doing)
- dont - (do not, don't)
- donut (variant of doughnut)
- doorjam - (door jamb)
- doppleganger - (doppelgänger)
- dosen't - (does not, doesn't)
- doub - (daub, doubt)
- dozend - (dozen)
- draftman - (draftsman)
- dramatise - (dramatize)
- dramtic - (dramatic)
- draught (variant of draft)
- draughtman - (draughtsman)
- drawed - (drawn, drew)
- dreamt (variant of dreamed)
- dreasm - (dreams)
- driectly - (directly)
- drinked - (drank)
- drived - (derived, driven, drove)
- drnik - (drink)
- droped - (dropped)
- druing - (during)
- drumed - (drummed)
- drumer - (drummer)
- druming - (drumming)
- drumms - (drums)
- dryed - (dried)
- duaghter - (daughter)
- duely - (duly)
- dukeship - (dukedom)
- durring - (during)
- dwelled (variant of dwelt)