Help:Cheat sheet (Advanced)

This is a cheat sheet for quickly referencing some of the intermediate and advanced editing code and templates in Saintapedia. The basic cheat sheet provides additional quick references.

These references are in alphabetical order by topic. Feel free to add your quick references.


Short breadcrumb template


Long breadcrumb template







Citations and References


Below is an example of a template for a book citation. Note the reference is named "Morrison" so it can quickly be used again later in the article by adding this at the end of the text: <ref name="Morrison"/ref>

<ref name="Morrison">{{Cite book

| last = Morrison

| first = Andrew

| title = A Modern Look at Straw Bale Construction

| publisher = self-published

| date = 2012

| url =

| isbn =978-0-615-79802-8 }}</ref>

Federal Register

Citations from the Federal Register are: [volume] FR [page number] ([date]), e.g., 65 FR 741 (2000-06-01).

Websites, General

Websites should be cited in the following format:

Author or Editor (if available). Year (if available). Title [Online]. Place: Publisher (if available). Available at: web address of document [Accessed: day Month year].


Lane, C. et al. 2003. The future of professionalised work: UK and Germany compared [Online]. London: Anglo-German Foundation for the Study of Industrial Society. Available at: [Accessed: 10 May 2007].[1]

The publisher and place of publication can be thought of as the organization responsible for hosting the site, although can be left out if unavailable. As well as the complete URL to the page, always give the date at which you accessed it. Web sites appear and disappear often, so it is vital to indicate the date at which the information was accurate.


Below is an example of a Wikipedia citation in the APA format. NOTE: on most Wikipedia pages, there is a link in the Tools on the left side of the page that says "Cite this page." Clicking the link will take the user to a page that provides perfectly-formatted citations, in various styles, including the exact date/time the information was retrieved; this is a terrific time-saver!

Tritium. (2014, March 12). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 20:26, March 13, 2014, from

Font colors

Code for adding color to font, with example:

<span style="color:green;"> write the text you want in green here </span>

Produces this: write the text you want in green here


Code for a simple table:

{| class="wikitable"


! Header 1

! Header 2

! Header 3


| row 1, cell 1

| row 1, cell 2

| row 1, cell 3


| row 2, cell 1

| row 2, cell 2

| row 2, cell 3


This code will produce the following table:

Header 1 Header 2 Header 3
row 1, cell 1 row 1, cell 2 row 1, cell 3
row 2, cell 1 row 2, cell 2 row 2, cell 3

The sample text ("Header N" or "row N, cell N") is intended to be replaced with actual data.

Transclusion (Labeled Section)

The Labeled Section Transclusion extension provides two primary mechanisms for transcluding information:

  1. Using section section heads. Examples
    • {{#lsth:articleX|givethesectionaname}} will transclude the "Helpful documents and links" section.
    • {{#lsth:TBD}} will transclude the introduction (the info above the first section head).
  1. Adding section tags to relevant parts of a document. Example:
    1. <section begin=givethesectionaname /> what do you want to include <section end=givethesectionaname /> in the source page documents what is to be transcluded
    2. {{#lst:articleX|givethesectionaname}} would then be used to call that section and transclude it to the location of your choice.

See Also

