Draft2:Fusion materials implementing agreement
The objective of the Implementing Agreement on Fusion Materials is to develop and test materials suitable for fusion reactors and components. This involves research on the effects of fusion reactors operation conditions on materials and the development of appropriate test facilities, including the development of a high-flux, high energy neutron source. The work is aimed at developing data for ITER and other fusion design activities.
An international team has successfully developed a conceptual design of a high-flux neutron source for testing materials (i.e., the International Fusion Material Irradiation Facility, IFMIF). The next stage is to evaluate key components and to commence work to underpin possible construction of the facility. As far as material investigation is concerned, consensus has been reached on potential low activation alloys as structural materials for fusion. Candidate alloys are investigated and results are discussed at international workshops. Investigation of fast flux neutron irradiation of candidate breeder blanket materials are also carried out thus increasing confidence in the feasibility of tritium production in fusion reactors. The 500-MW ITER experimental fusion plant will demonstrate both the scientific and technological feasibility of fusion power by producing a reactor-relevant fusion plasma and testing key reactor components.
Program of Work
- Experimentation on Radiation Damage in Fusion Materials - Develop a common technological base for the development and improvement of fusion materials through joint radiation experiments
- Fast Flux Neutron Irradiation of Candidate Fusion Breeder Blanket Materials - Develop a technological base to measure and evaluate the neutron irradiation effects, tritium release and thermal properties of candidate blanket materials
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