Draft2:Crosscut Lean Exhaust Emissions Reduction Simulations

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Crosscut Lean Exhaust Emissions Reduction Simulations (CLEERS) is an initiative to support the development of accurate computer simulation tools for use in the design, calibration, and control of next generation engine/emissions control systems that maximize efficiency while complying with emissions regulations. 

The need for such simulation tools was identified as a key barrier to commercialization of advanced high-efficiency engine systems by the DOE Advanced Engine Crosscut Team.

Official Site - cleers.org

DOE's role

It is funded by the Vehicle Technologies Office in the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE).


File:CLEERS org chart.jpg
CLEERS org chart

The DOE Advanced Engine Crosscut Team (known as the Crosscut Team) is composed of representatives from automotive manufacturers, heavy duty engine manufacturers, and U.S. government agencies.  The primary function of the Crosscut Team is to coordinate development efforts for advanced, low-emission, high-efficiency combustion engine systems. This role includes identification and prioritization of specific R&D projects appropriate for government funding.

CLEERS is coordinated by a committee of industry and national laboratory representatives that report to the Crosscut Team.  The CLEERS Coordinating Committee relies on guidance from DOE and a committee of industrial and academic advisors in planning CLEERS activities.  Those activities include this website, annual workshops, quarterly newsletters, monthly teleconferences, and biennial industry priorities surveys.


The mission of CLEERS is to accelerate the development of tools for accurate and computationally efficient simulations of realistic full-system performance of advanced combustion engines and associated emissions control systems through the pursuit of four key objectives:

  1. Supporting collaborations among industry, university and DOE national laboratory partners;
  2. Developing and disseminating pre-competitive data, parameters, and models;
  3. Gathering feedback from industry on critical emissions control research needs; and
  4. Coordinating DOE national laboratory research efforts.



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