Contribution score

Revision as of 09:21, 13 September 2024 by Tom (talk | contribs) (Text replacement - "Category:Help" to "Category:HelpCategory:Help under review")
Score badge
Boldness and links thumb.jpg This Saintapediann has a contribution score of Invalid username.
Add it with {{Score badge}}
Alternate Score badge
This Saintapediann has a contribution score of 2,941.
Add it with {{Score badge}}

The Extension:Contribution ScoresMediawiki logo.svg polls the wiki database to locate contributors with the highest contribution volume. The extension is intended to add a fun metric for contributors to see how much they are helping out.

The score is defined as (number of unique pages edited) + 2 * square root ((number of edits) - (number of unique pages edited)).

Using the feature

You can include this special page in to other pages using the following wikitext:

