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In Cargo, the first step in storing data in a structured way is creating a class.

Creating a class

A template that stores data in a table needs to also either declare that table, or "attach" itself to a table that is declared elsewhere. Since there is usually one table per template and vice versa, most templates that make use of Cargo will declare their own table.

Enter all the data here to create the properties, template, form and category for a single class. For more options, use the pages Create a template, Create a form and Create a category instead.


Cargo supports various data types including simple types like strings, dates, and numbers, to more complex ones like hierarchies, coordinates, and wikitext.


  • Holds the name of a page in the wiki
  • Default max size: 300 characters


  • Holds standard, non-wikitext text
  • Default max size: 300 characters


  • Holds standard, non-wikitext text
  • Intended for longer values
  • Unindexed



  • Holds a real, i.e., non-integer, number


  • Holds a date without time

Start date,End date

  • Similar to Date, but are meant to hold the beginning and end of some duration. A table can hold either no Start date and no End date field, or exactly one of both.
  • Limitations - You could get an error:
    • There can be only one field of type Start date or Start datetime.
    • Error: There can be only one field of type End date or End datetime.


  • Holds a date and time

Start datetime,End datetime

  • Work like Start date or End date, but include a time.
  • Limitations - You could get an error:
    • There can be only one field of type Start date or Start datetime.
    • There can be only one field of type End date or End datetime.



  • Holds geographical coordinates

Wikitext string

  • Holds a short text that is meant to be parsed by the MediaWiki parser
  • Default max size: 300 characters


  • Holds longer text that is meant to be parsed by the MediaWiki parser
  • Unindexed



  • Holds the name of an uploaded file or image in the wiki (similar to Page, but does not require specifying the "File:" namespace) (default max size: 300 characters)


  • Holds a URL
  • Default max size: 300 characters


  • Holds an email address
  • Default max size: 300 characters


  • Holds a "rating" value, i.e., usually an integer from 1 to 5

Special page

Cargo includes special pages like Special:CargoQuery for direct querying and Special:Drilldown for interactive data exploration.

On Special:CreateClass the options are:

Template name

The Template name....

Where to store the data

"Use the Cargo extension to store this template's data" can be toggled on or off.

If on, you must specify the "Name of Cargo table defined by template"

Output format

The options are:

  • Table - This...
  • Side infobox - This...
  • Plain text - This...
  • Sections - This...


  • This template can be included multiple times on the page - This does...
  • Use full wikitext instead of #template_display - This does...

Form name

The "Form name" is used...

Category name

The "Category name" is used...

Template fields


Through settings like $wgCargoDefaultStringBytes or $wgCargoMaxQueryLimit, administrators can control how Cargo behaves in terms of data storage limits or query performance.