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====Description==== | ====Description==== | ||
* | * SaintName: The saint's name or names by which they are commonly known. | ||
* | * SaintStage: Titles like "Saint," "Blessed," or "Venerable." | ||
* | * SaintBirthDate: | ||
* | * SaintBirthPlace: Location description/Place of birth (if known) | ||
* | * SaintBirthCoordinates: Holds geographical coordinates | ||
* | * SaintDeathDate: Date | ||
* | * DeathPlace: Location description/Place of birth (if known) | ||
* | * SaintDeathCoordinates: Holds geographical coordinates | ||
* | * SaintCauseOfDeath: String | ||
* | * NotableAddress1: Notable location 1 Address - Address/City, other than birth and death locations, in which the saint spent specific time | ||
* | * NotableCoordinates1: Notable location 1 Coordinates - GPS coordinates of notable location 1 Address | ||
* | * NotableAddress2: Notable location 2 Address - Address/City, other than birth and death locations (and Notable location 1), in which the saint spent specific time | ||
* | * NotableCoordinates2: Notable location 2 Coordinates - GPS coordinates of notable location 2 Address | ||
* | * NotableAddress3: Notable location 3 Address - Address/City, other than birth and death locations (and Notable location 1 and 2), in which the saint spent specific time | ||
* | * NotableCoordinates3: Notable location 3 Coordinates - GPS coordinates of notable location 3 Address | ||
* | * NotableAddress4: Notable location 4 Address - Address/City, other than birth and death locations (and Notable location 1, 2, or 3), in which the saint spent specific time | ||
* | * NotableCoordinates4: Notable location 4 Coordinates - GPS coordinates of notable location 4 Address | ||
* | * NotableAddress5: Notable location 5 Address - Address/City, other than birth and death locations (and Notable location 1, 2, 3, or 4), in which the saint spent specific time | ||
* | * NotableCoordinates5: Notable location 5 Coordinates - GPS coordinates of notable location 5 Address | ||
* | * BeatificationDate: Date of beatification | ||
* | * Beatifier: Person who beatified them (usually a Pope) | ||
* | * BeatificationLocation: String | ||
* | * Canonized: If they have been canonized | ||
* | * CanonizationDate: Date of canonization | ||
* | * Canonizer: Pope who canonized them | ||
* | * CanonizationLocation: The place where it occurred | ||
* | * SaintMiracle1: String | ||
* | * SaintMiracle2: String | ||
* | * SaintMiracle3: String | ||
* | * FeastDay: The day or days on which the saint is celebrated in the liturgical calendar. | ||
* | * Profession: If the saint had a paid profession such as doctor, engineer, mailman, etc. | ||
* | * ReligiousAffiliation: If the saint was affiliated with a religious order (such as Dominicans or Franciscans) | ||
* | * Patronage: Areas, groups, or causes for which the saint is a patron. | ||
* | * Attributes: Common symbols or iconography associated with the saint (e.g., St. Peter with keys). | ||
* | * PrimaryShrine: Location of the primary shrine or tomb where the saint's relics are venerated. | ||
* | * AdditionalVeneration: Outside of the Roman Catholic Church, what other Christian denominations that venerate the saint (if applicable) | ||
===Page text=== | ===Page text=== |
Revision as of 00:51, 27 January 2025
These prompts are used for AI to help create content.
Let's call this format 'Diocese': I want all responses to be detailed below based on the provided NAME. Put this all in a box that can be copied.
{{Diocese |Type |Country |AdministrativeSubdivision (label=Region) |Bishop |Website |Newspaper }}
- Type: Archdiocese or Suffragan diocese
- Country: Sovereign state in which the diocese resides
- AdministrativeSubdivision: Geographical and administrative units into which a country is divided for purposes of governance
- Bishop: Name of the current bishop
- Website: URL of the diocese's website
- Newspaper: URL of the diocese's newsletter or major publication
Title: [Name of the Diocese]
Overview: Provide a brief overview of the diocese, including its location and the church it belongs to (e.g., Latin Church, part of the Catholic Church in [Country]).
Establishment: When was the diocese established? Who was the pontiff or authority at the time of establishment?
Geography: List the counties, states, or regions the diocese covers.
Mother Church: Name and location of the cathedral or principal church of the diocese.
Leadership: Who is the current bishop or head of the diocese? When were they appointed?
Mission and Services: Describe the diocese's focus areas: Parishes: How many parishes does it oversee? Catholic Education: Information on schools, educational programs, or curriculum standards. Community Outreach: Details on social services, charities, or community programs run by the diocese.
- Catholic count=# of people
- Parish number=#
- School number=#
Formatting Guidelines: Use MediaWiki format for the document. Use level 2 headings (==) for major sections like "Establishment", "Geography", etc. Use level 3 headings (===) for subsections under "Mission and Services". Include citations for all factual claims using the MediaWiki reference format.
Additional Notes: If there are significant recent developments, legal issues, or controversies related to the diocese (like bankruptcy, changes in leadership, or new initiatives), consider adding these under a separate section if relevant. Always verify information from official sources like the diocese's official website or press releases, or from reputable news outlets for any recent updates.
References: Ensure to add a references section at the end with all sources used.
Let's call this format 'Saints': I want all responses to be detailed below based on the provided NAME. Put this all in a box that can be copied.
- SaintName: The saint's name or names by which they are commonly known.
- SaintStage: Titles like "Saint," "Blessed," or "Venerable."
- SaintBirthDate:
- SaintBirthPlace: Location description/Place of birth (if known)
- SaintBirthCoordinates: Holds geographical coordinates
- SaintDeathDate: Date
- DeathPlace: Location description/Place of birth (if known)
- SaintDeathCoordinates: Holds geographical coordinates
- SaintCauseOfDeath: String
- NotableAddress1: Notable location 1 Address - Address/City, other than birth and death locations, in which the saint spent specific time
- NotableCoordinates1: Notable location 1 Coordinates - GPS coordinates of notable location 1 Address
- NotableAddress2: Notable location 2 Address - Address/City, other than birth and death locations (and Notable location 1), in which the saint spent specific time
- NotableCoordinates2: Notable location 2 Coordinates - GPS coordinates of notable location 2 Address
- NotableAddress3: Notable location 3 Address - Address/City, other than birth and death locations (and Notable location 1 and 2), in which the saint spent specific time
- NotableCoordinates3: Notable location 3 Coordinates - GPS coordinates of notable location 3 Address
- NotableAddress4: Notable location 4 Address - Address/City, other than birth and death locations (and Notable location 1, 2, or 3), in which the saint spent specific time
- NotableCoordinates4: Notable location 4 Coordinates - GPS coordinates of notable location 4 Address
- NotableAddress5: Notable location 5 Address - Address/City, other than birth and death locations (and Notable location 1, 2, 3, or 4), in which the saint spent specific time
- NotableCoordinates5: Notable location 5 Coordinates - GPS coordinates of notable location 5 Address
- BeatificationDate: Date of beatification
- Beatifier: Person who beatified them (usually a Pope)
- BeatificationLocation: String
- Canonized: If they have been canonized
- CanonizationDate: Date of canonization
- Canonizer: Pope who canonized them
- CanonizationLocation: The place where it occurred
- SaintMiracle1: String
- SaintMiracle2: String
- SaintMiracle3: String
- FeastDay: The day or days on which the saint is celebrated in the liturgical calendar.
- Profession: If the saint had a paid profession such as doctor, engineer, mailman, etc.
- ReligiousAffiliation: If the saint was affiliated with a religious order (such as Dominicans or Franciscans)
- Patronage: Areas, groups, or causes for which the saint is a patron.
- Attributes: Common symbols or iconography associated with the saint (e.g., St. Peter with keys).
- PrimaryShrine: Location of the primary shrine or tomb where the saint's relics are venerated.
- AdditionalVeneration: Outside of the Roman Catholic Church, what other Christian denominations that venerate the saint (if applicable)
Page text
Create a one paragraph summary of saint's life.
It could it include:
* Birth * Early Life * Occupation * Vocation * Death
Put each in level 3 sections.
{{Saint parish map|Where=Saint Name|zoom=4|Saint=Saint Name}}
==Significant events==
Significant events or achievements in their lives that are commemorated or have historical or spiritual importance, in bullet format.
* Founded the [Name of Religious Order] in [Year]. * Became bishop of [City] in [Year]. * [Other significant events or achievements]
== Death ==
NAME met their end [describe the manner of death, e.g., martyrdom, peacefully in old age].
Complete these sections, as best as possible. Please include dates.
=== Servant of God ===
The process to recognize NAME as a Servant of God began in [Year], with the initial investigation conducted in [Diocese or Place].
Description of when the saint was named a "Servant of God" and the beginning of the formal investigation into their life, virtues, and writings is conducted, usually at the diocesan level where the person died or lived most of their life.
Declared Venerable by Pope [Name] on [Date] for their life of heroic virtue.
If the Congregation for the Causes of Saints (a Vatican office) affirms that the individual lived a life of "heroic virtue," the Pope may declare them "Venerable." This stage does not require a miracle.
=== Beatification ===
Beatified on [Date] by Pope [Name] after the confirmation of a miracle involving [describe the miracle].
For beatification, one miracle attributed to the intercession of the Venerable after their death must be authenticated. Beatification allows the person to be called "Blessed" and to be venerated in a particular region or by a specific group of people. In some cases (e.g., martyrs), beatification can occur without a miracle, based solely on the martyrdom.
=== Canonization ===
Canonized on [Date] by Pope [Name] following a second miracle, which was [describe the miracle].
A second miracle, verified after beatification, is typically required for canonization. Once the Pope canonizes someone, they are declared a saint, and their veneration is extended to the universal Church. This includes having a feast day on the liturgical calendar, the ability for parishes to be named after them, and the inclusion in the canon (list) of recognized saints.
Saints are often recognized for specific miracles they performed or miracles attributed to their intercession after death. These events can become key milestones in the narrative of their sainthood. Examples include the miracles associated with Saint Anthony of Padua for finding lost items or Saint Jude for desperate cases. Put them in bullet format.
Please note the miracles that allowed them to be Beatified or Canonized, if known.
=== Miracle for beatification ===
[Describe the miracle, e.g., "Healing of a nun suffering from a terminal illness."]
=== Miracle for canonization ===
[Describe the miracle, e.g., "Healing of a baby with a congenital defect."]
=== Other notable miracles ===
[List any other miracles associated with NAME]
NAME is the patron saint of [list causes, professions, countries, or groups].
Examples - Saint Christopher, the patron saint of travelers, and Saint Joan of Arc, patron of France and soldiers.
==Feast day==
The specific day(s) set aside to celebrate or remember a saint's life or martyrdom.
NAME is venerated through [describe common practices like prayers, novenas, or pilgrimages to their shrine]. Relics are kept in [locations of relics if known].
NAME has been depicted in numerous artworks, including [mention famous paintings, sculptures, or other art forms]. Literature and media often portray NAME in [mention books, films, or plays]. Relics and shrines dedicated to NAME are significant pilgrimage sites, influencing [describe cultural or religious events].
==Written about the saint==
* *
==Written about the saint==
* [ Example link] * [ Example link]
==Written by the saint==
* [ Example link] * [ Example link]
==External links==
Add links, in bullets, from sources such as:
* [ Example link, replace with appropriate saint] * [ Example link, replace with appropriate saint ID] * [ Example link, replace with appropriate saint if applicable] * [ Example link, replace with appropriate bishop if applicable]
Document the sources of all this information using MediaWiki references. See for more details.
Let's call this format 'Parish': I want all responses to be detailed below based on the provided NAME. Put this all in a box that can be copied.
For the NAME, please create a MediaWiki infobox using the following template:
{{Parish |Dedication= |ShortName= |ParishLocation= |MailingAddress= |Diocese= |Deanery= |City= |County= |AdministrativeSubdivision= |Country= |ParishWebsite= |ParishFounded= |ParishSchool= |ParishEmailAddress= }}
- Dedication: The parish's particular saint, event in the life of Christ, aspect of Mary, or a theological concept found in the parish name.
- ShortName: The name of the parish, without the name of the Diocese or Archdiocese in Parenthesis, removing (Archdiocese of Washington) or (Diocese of Harrisburg)
- ParishLocation: Coordinates where the headquarters is located, formatted as latitude, longitude (e.g., 40.75876607922733, -73.97614165875822)
- MailingAddress: What is the parish's mail address, as listed on Google Maps?
- Diocese: Provide the Catholic diocese in which the parish is located in, such as Diocese of Birmingham
- Deanery: Provide the geographical subdivision of a diocese, such as Upper Prince George’s County
- City: Name of the city or town in which the parish is located in followed by Administrative Subdivision's abbreviation; such as Cleveland, OH
- County: A county is a geographic region of a country used for administrative or other purposes in some nations, such as Baltimore County, Maryland. Please list it as Baltimore County.
- AdministrativeSubdivision: Name of the city or town in which the parish is located in, such as Texas
- Country: Provide the name of sovereignty state, such as Italy, in which the parish exists
- ParishWebsite: The URL of the parish, leave blank if none can be found
- ParishFounded: The year the parish was found; leave blank if unavailable
- ParishSchool: Yes if there is a school associated with the parish; No if there is not.
- ParishEmailAddress: Provide the email address for the parish, if available on the website or bulletin; such as
Add a level 2 MediaWiki section called "History". Add a line break and then populate it with a history of the parish. Please make sure to cite sources, as documented at
Add a level 2 section called "Special features." Add a line break and then populate it with a bulleted list of the parish's shrines, relics, miraculous events, honor the heritage of a particular ethnic or cultural group, historical significance, distinctive architecture, special liturgical celebrations, or natural/environmental features. Use a single asterisk * for each bullet point instead of double asterisks in the 'Special features' section.
Add two more level two sections: "Related parishes" and "References". Under the 2nd add <references />