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Template:Powerpedia:Lists of common misspellings/Instructions
- radicalise - (radicalize)
- radient - (radiant)
- ranchs - (ranch's [possessive], ranches [plural])
- randomise - (randomize)
- rappid - (rapid)
- rarified (variant of rarefied}}
- rarley - (rarely)
- rasied - (raised)
- rationalise - (rationalize)
- reachs - (reaches)
- reactived - (reactivated)
- readly - (readily)
- reak - (wreak)
- realease - (release)
- realeased - (released)
- realisation - (realization)
- realise - (realize)
- realites - (realities)
- reallity - (reality)
- realted - (related)
- realting - (relating)
- realtion - (relation)
- realtive - (relative)
- realy - (really, relay)
- reamain - (remain)
- reamin - (remain)
- reasearch - (research)
- reasses - (reassess)
- rebuilded - (rebuilt)
- rebuttle - (rebuttal)
- recasted - (recast)
- reccent - (recent)
- reccomend - (recommend)
- reccomended - (recommended)
- reccommend - (recommend)
- reccommended - (recommended)
- reccur - (recur)
- reccuring - (recurring)
- receeded - (receded)
- receeding - (receding)
- recentley - (recently)
- recepie - (recipe)
- recepient - (recipient)
- recepted - (received)
- recide - (reside)
- recidents - (residents)
- reciept - (receipt)
- recieve - (receive)
- recieved - (received)
- reciever - (receiver)
- recieves - (receives)
- recieving - (receiving)
- recipent - (recipient)
- recipiant - (recipient)
- recipies - (recipes)
- recogise - (recognize)
- recogize - (recognize)
- recognise recognize - ({{{2}}})
- recomend - (recommend)
- recomendation - (recommendation)
- recomended - (recommended)
- recomending - (recommending)
- recomends - (recommends)
- reconcilation - (reconciliation)
- reconciliate - (reconcile)
- reconaissance - (reconnaissance)
- recongize - (recognize)
- reconize - (recognize)
- recoreded - (recorded)
- recouperate - (recuperate)
- recquire - (reacquire, require)
- recrational - (recreational)
- recrod - (record)
- recruted - (recruited)
- recuring - (recurring)
- recurr - (recur)
- recurrance - (recurrence)
- redevelope - (redevelop)
- redevelopement - (redevelopment)
- rediculous - (ridiculous)
- redundency - (redundancy)
- redundent - (redundant)
- referal - (referral)
- referance - (reference)
- refered - (referred)
- referes - (refers)
- refering - (referring)
- refernece - (reference)
- referr - (refer)
- referrence - (reference)
- referrs - (refers)
- reffered - (referred)
- refference - (reference)
- refferr - (refer)
- reforce - (reinforce)
- refrence - (reference)
- refridgeration - (refrigeration)
- refridgerator - (refrigerator)
- refrom - (reform)
- registeration - (registration)
- registery - (registry)
- registrate - (register)
- reguard - (regard)
- reguarly - (regularly)
- regularily - (regularly)
- regularise - (regularize)
- regulary - (regularly)
- rehersal - (rehearsal)
- reherse - (rehearse)
- reinact - (reenact)
- rejuvinate - (rejuvenate)
- reknown - (renown, renowned)
- reknowned - (renowned)
- rela - (real)
- relagate - (relegate)
- relagated - (relegated)
- relagation - (relegation)
- relaly - (really)
- relase - (release)
- relativley - (relatively)
- relativly - (relatively)
- relavent - (relevant)
- releave - (relieve)
- releive - (relieve)
- releived - (relieved)
- reletive - (relative)
- relevence - (relevance)
- relevent - (relevant)
- reliablity - (reliability)
- relience - (reliance)
- religeous - (religious)
- religon - (religion)
- religous - (religious)
- relitively - (relatively)
- relize - (realize)
- relized - (realised, realized)
- relm - (realm)
- remaing - (remaining)
- remainging - (remaining)
- remanants - (remnants)
- remaned - (remained, renamed)
- remaning - (remaining)
- rember - (remember)
- remeber - (remember)
- rememberance - (remembrance)
- remian - (remain)
- reminant - (remnant)
- reminescent - (reminiscent)
- reminicent - (reminiscent)
- remodelled (variant of remodeled}}
- remodelling (variant of remodeling}}
- rendevous - (rendezvous)
- rennovate - (renovate)
- rennovation - (renovation)
- renound - (renowned)
- renouned - (renowned)
- renowed - (renowned)
- repayed - (repaid)
- repeatly - (repeatedly)
- repected - (respected)
- repeled - (repelled)
- repell - (repel)
- repentence - (repentance)
- repentent - (repentant)
- repertoir - (repertoire)
- repetetive - (repetitive)
- repetion - (repetition)
- repetive - (repetitive)
- repetoire - (repertoire)
- repitition - (repetition)
- replaceing - (replacing)
- replyed - (replied)
- reponse - (response)
- reponsible - (responsible)
- reportably - (reportedly)
- repremand - (reprimand)
- represenative - (representative)
- representate - (represent)
- representitive - (representative)
- representive - (representative)
- reprize - (reprise)
- repubic - (republic)
- rescure - (rescue)
- rescuse - (rescue)
- resemblence - (resemblance)
- reserach - (research)
- reservor - (reservoir)
- resetted - (reset)
- resevoir - (reservoir)
- residance - (residence)
- residant - (resident)
- resistable - (resistible)
- resistence - (resistance)
- resistent - (resistant)
- resourse - (resource)
- respectivley - (respectively)
- respectivly - (respectively)
- responce - (response)
- respondant - (respondent)
- responibility - (responsibility)
- responsability - (responsibility)
- responsable - (responsible)
- responsed - (responded)
- responsibilites - (responsibilities [plural])
- responsibilty - (responsibility)
- resposibility - (responsibility)
- resposible - (responsible)
- ressemblance - (resemblance)
- ressemble - (resemble)
- ressembled - (resembled)
- ressembling - (resembling)
- ressurection - (resurrection)
- restarant - (restaurant)
- restaraunt - (restaurant)
- restaraunts - (restaurants)
- restauration - (restoration)
- restauraunt - (restaurant)
- resteraunt - (restaurant)
- resteraunts - (restaurants)
- restorant - (restaurant)
- restraunt - (restraint, restaurant)
- restuarant - (restaurant)
- resturant - (restaurant)
- resurect - (resurrect)
- resurecting - (resurrecting)
- resurgance - (resurgence)
- retailation - (retaliation)
- retalitation - (retaliation)
- retardent - (retardant)
- rethoric - (rhetoric)
- retreive - (retrieve)
- retreived - (retrieved)
- retrive - (retrieve)
- retruning - (returning)
- retuned - (returned, retuned [tuned again])
- retured - (returned)
- returing - (returning)
- revaluated - (reevaluated)
- revelant - (relevant)
- reverance - (reverence)
- reverand - (reverend)
- reverant - (reverent)
- reverese - (reverse)
- reversable - (reversible)
- revolutionar - (revolutionary)
- rhe - (the)
- rhythem - (rhythm)
- rhythym - (rhythm)
- rhytm - (rhythm)
- richochet - (ricochet)
- richs - (riches)
- rided - (rode)
- riden - (ridden)
- ridgid - (RIDGID, rigid)
- rigeur - (rigor, rigour)
- rightous - (righteous)
- rigour - (rigor)
- rigourous - (rigorous)
- rigth - (right)
- riped - (ripped)
- rised - (raised, risen, rose)
- rivalled (variant of rivaled}}
- rivarly - (rivalry)
- roomate - (roommate)
- rougly - (roughly)
- royalites - (royalties)
- royalities - (royalties)
- royality - (royalty)
- rulle - (rule)
- ruller - (ruler)
- rummor - (rumor)
- rumour - (rumor)
- runer - (runner)
- runing - (running)
- runned - (ran, run)
- rushs - (rushes)
- Rusian - (Russian)
- Russain - (Russian)
- Russina - (Russian)
- Russion - (Russian)
- rutheless - (ruthless)
- rythem - (rhythm)
- rythm - (rhythm)
- rythym - (rhythm)