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Template:Powerpedia:Lists of common misspellings/Instructions
- paide - (paid)
- palce - (place, palace)
- paliament - (parliament)
- paliamentarian - (parliamentarian)
- Palistian - (Palestinian)
- Palistinian - (Palestinian)
- Palistinians - (Palestinians)
- pallete - (palette)
- pallour - (pallor)
- palyed - (played)
- palyer - (player)
- palying - (playing)
- pamflet - (pamphlet)
- pamplet - (pamphlet)
- panal - (panel)
- panarama - (panorama)
- panelled - (paneled)
- panelling - (paneling)
- panellist - (panelist)
- panicing - (panicking)
- paniking - (panicking)
- pantomine - (pantomime)
- paralel - (parallel)
- paralell - (parallel)
- parallell - (parallel)
- paranthesis - (parenthesis)
- paraphenalia - (paraphernalia)
- parisitic - (parasitic)
- parituclar - (particular)
- parlament - (parliament)
- parliment - (parliament)
- parlour - (parlor)
- parralel - (parallel)
- parrallel - (parallel)
- parrallell - (parallel)
- partecipate - (participate)
- partialy - (partially)
- partical - (partial, particle)
- particpant - (participant)
- particpated - (participated)
- particularily - (particularly)
- partion - (partition, portion)
- partipate - (participate)
- pased - (paced, passed)
- pasenger - (passenger)
- passanger - (passenger)
- passtime - (pastime)
- pastorial - (pastoral)
- pasttime - (pastime)
- pastural - (pastoral)
- pasturize - (pasteurize)
- pattent - (patent)
- pattented - (patented)
- pavillion - (pavilion)
- payed - (paid)
- payler - (player)
- peachs - (peaches)
- peasent - (peasant)
- pecular - (peculiar)
- pecularity - (peculiarity)
- pecularly - (peculiarly)
- peculiarites - (peculiarities)
- peculure - (peculiar)
- peform - (perform)
- peformance - (performance)
- peice - (piece)
- penalise - (penalize)
- penatly - (penalty)
- peninnsula - (peninsula)
- penisula - (peninsula)
- penisular - (peninsular)
- penninsula - (peninsula)
- penninsular - (peninsular)
- pennisula - (peninsula)
- Pennsilvania - (Pennsylvania)
- Pennsylvaina - (Pennsylvania)
- Pennyslvania - (Pennsylvania)
- pensinsula - (peninsula)
- Pensylvania - (Pennsylvania)
- peom - (poem)
- peopel - (people)
- peotry - (poetry)
- pepole - (people)
- perameter - (parameter, perimeter)
- percepted - (perceived)
- percieve - (perceive)
- perculiar - (peculiar)
- perfom - (perform)
- perfomance - (performance)
- perfoming - (performing)
- performence - (performance)
- performes - (performed, performs)
- perhasp - (perhaps)
- perheaps - (perhaps)
- perhpas - (perhaps)
- peripathetic - (peripatetic)
- perjery - (perjury)
- perjorative - (pejorative)
- permanant - (permanent)
- permenant - (permanent)
- permissable - (permissible)
- permited - (permitted)
- permiting - (permitting)
- permitt - (permit)
- perogative - (prerogative)
- perpare - (prepare)
- perpertrated - (perpetrated)
- perphas - (perhaps)
- perpindicular - (perpendicular)
- persaude - (persuade)
- persay - (per se)
- perserverance - (perseverance)
- perservere - (persevere)
- perserverence - (perseverance)
- perseverence - (perseverance)
- perseverent - (perseverant)
- persistance - (persistence)
- persistant - (persistent)
- personalise - (personalize)
- personaly - (personally)
- personel - (personal, personnel)
- personell - (personnel)
- personnal - (personal, personnel)
- personnell - (personnel)
- persue - (pursue)
- persuing - (pursuing)
- persuit - (pursuit)
- pertubation - (perturbation)
- pertubations - (perturbations)
- perview - (purview)
- petetion - (petition)
- pessiary - (pessary)
- peurto rico - (Puerto Rico)
- phenomenonal - (phenomenal)
- phenomenonly - (phenomenally)
- phenominal - (phenomenal)
- phenomonenon - (phenomenon)
- phenonmena - (phenomena)
- Pheonix - (Phoenix)
- phial (variant of vial}}
- Philadephia - (Philadelphia)
- philantrophist - (philanthropist)
- philantrophy - (philanthropy)
- philantropist - (philanthropist)
- philantropy - (philanthropy)
- Philedelphia - (Philadelphia)
- Philipines - (Philippines)
- Philipino - (Filipino)
- Philippino - (Filipino)
- philisopher - (philosopher)
- philisophical - (philosophical)
- philisophy - (philosophy)
- Phillipine - (Philippine)
- Phillipines - (Philippines)
- Phillipino - (Filipino)
- Phillippine - (Philippine)
- Phillippines - (Philippines)
- Phillippino - (Filipino)
- philospher - (philosopher)
- philosphy - (philosophy)
- phongraph - (phonograph)
- photgraph - (photograph)
- phyiscal - (physical)
- physican - (physician)
- physicial - (physical)
- pich - (pitch)
- picure - (picture)
- pidgeon - (pigeon)
- pilgram - (pilgrim)
- pilgramage - (pilgrimage)
- pilgrimmage - (pilgrimage)
- piligrim - (pilgrim)
- piligrimage - (pilgrimage)
- pinapple - (pineapple)
- pinnaple - (pineapple)
- pionering - (pioneering)
- piont - (point)
- pitchs - (pitches)
- placeing - (placing)
- plagarism - (plagiarism)
- plagarist - (plagiarist)
- plagarize - (plagiarize)
- plagiarise - (plagiarize)
- plantiff - (plaintiff)
- platfrom - (platform)
- plauge - (plague)
- play-offs (variant of playoffs}}
- playes - (players, plays)
- playright - (playwright)
- playwrite - (playwright)
- pleasnat - (pleasant)
- plebian - (plebeian)
- plebicite - (plebiscite)
- plentitude - (plenitude)
- plesant - (pleasant)
- plethura - (plethora)
- plyed - (played, plied)
- poinsetta - (poinsettia)
- poisin - (poison)
- polarisation - (polarization)
- polarise - (polarize)
- polinate - (pollinate)
- polination - (pollination)
- polinator - (pollinator)
- politian - (politician)
- politican - (politician)
- politition - (politician)
- pollenate - (pollinate)
- pollenation - (pollination)
- polute - (pollute)
- polution - (pollution)
- polysaccharid - (polysaccharide)
- polysaccaride - (polysaccharide)
- pomegranite - (pomegranate)
- poore - (poor)
- populaion - (population)
- popularaty - (popularity)
- popularise - (popularize)
- porportion - (proportion)
- Portugese - (Portuguese)
- posess - (possess)
- posessed - (possessed)
- posesses - (possesses)
- posessing - (possessing)
- posession - (possession)
- posible - (possible)
- posibly - (possibly)
- posistion - (position)
- positon - (position, positron)
- positve - (positive)
- possable - (passable, possible)
- possably - (passably, possibly)
- posseses - (possesses)
- possesing - (possessing)
- possesion - (possession)
- possibilty - (possibility)
- possiblity - (possibility)
- possition - (position)
- postion - (position)
- postitive - (positive)
- postive - (positive)
- postively - (positively)
- postumous - (posthumous)
- potentional - (potential)
- potentialy - (potentially)
- potray - (portray)
- pourpose - (purpose)
- powerfull - (powerful)
- practial - (practical)
- practially - (practically)
- practicaly - (practically)
- practicioner - (practitioner)
- practicioners - (practitioners)
- practicly - (practically)
- practioner - (practitioner)
- practioners - (practitioners)
- prairy - (prairie)
- prarie - (prairie)
- pratice - (practice)
- pre-cursor - (precursor)
- pre-empt - (preempt)
- pre-existant - (preexistent)
- preample - (preamble)
- precedessor - (predecessor)
- preceed - (precede)
- preceeded - (preceded)
- preceeding - (preceding)
- preceeds - (precedes)
- preceive - (perceive)
- preception - (perception)
- precidence - (precedence)
- precident - (precedent, president)
- precint - (precinct)
- precurser - (precursor)
- predjudice - (prejudice)
- predominately (variant of predominantly}}
- prefection - (perfection)
- prefered - (preferred)
- prefering - (preferring)
- preferr - (prefer)
- preferrable - (preferable)
- preferrably - (preferably)
- preffer - (prefer)
- preffered - (preferred)
- pregancies - (pregnancies)
- pregancy - (pregnancy)
- pregnacy - (pregnancy)
- preist - (priest)
- prejorative - (pejorative)
- premanent - (permanent)
- premeir - (premier, premiere)
- premeire - (premier, premiere)
- premeired - (premiered)
- premere - (premier, premiere)
- premesis - (premises)
- premillenial - (premillennial)
- premire - (premier, premiere)
- premission - (permission)
- premotion - (promotion)
- prepair - (prepare)
- prepartion - (preparation)
- prepatory - (preparatory)
- preperation - (preparation)
- preperatory - (preparatory)
- prescence - (presence)
- presense - (presence)
- presentor - (presenter)
- presidence - (precedence, presidency)
- presidental - (presidential)
- prespective - (perspective, prospective)
- pressurisation - (pressurization)
- pressurise - (pressurize)
- prestigeous - (prestigious)
- prestigous - (prestigious)
- presumeably - (presumably)
- presumibly - (presumably)
- presure - (pressure)
- presurize - (pressurize)
- pretence - (pretense)
- prevailance - (prevalence)
- prevale - (prevail)
- prevelance - (prevalence)
- prevelant - (prevalent)
- preventation - (prevention)
- preventative (variant of preventive}}
- previus - (previous)
- previvous - (previous)
- prevous - (previous)
- pricipal - (principal)
- priciple - (principle)
- primarially - (primarily)
- primarly - (primarily)
- primative - (primitive)
- primatively - (primitively)
- primatives - (primitives)
- Prime Minster - (Prime Minister)
- primier - (premier, premiere)
- primordal - (primordial)
- primordeal - (primordial)
- principaly - (principality, principally)
- principial - (principal)
- principly - (principally)
- prinicipal - (principal)
- Princton - (Princeton)
- prioritise - (prioritize)
- prision - (prison)
- privatisation - (privatization)
- privatise - (privatize)
- privatley - (privately)
- privatly - (privately)
- priveledge - (privilege)
- priveledges - (privileges)
- privelege - (privilege)
- priveleged - (privileged)
- priveleges - (privileges)
- privelidge - (privilege)
- privelige - (privilege)
- priveliged - (privileged)
- priveliges - (privileges)
- privilage - (privilege)
- priviledge - (privilege)
- priviledges - (privileges)
- privledge - (privilege)
- probablly - (probably)
- probalibity - (probability)
- probaly - (probably)
- probelm - (problem)
- proccess - (process)
- procede - (proceed, precede)
- procedes - (proceeds, precedes)
- procedger - (procedure)
- proceding - (proceeding, preceding)
- proceedure - (procedure)
- proclame - (proclaim)
- proclomation - (proclamation)
- prodcution - (production)
- profesion - (profusion, profession)
- profesor - (professor)
- professionaly - (professionally)
- proffesion - (profession)
- proffesor - (professor)
- profilic - (prolific)
- progidy - (prodigy)
- programable - (programmable)
- programe - (program)
- programer - (programmer)
- programme - (program)
- progrom - (program, pogrom)
- prohabition - (prohibition)
- prologomena - (prolegomena)
- prominance - (prominence)
- prominant - (prominent)
- prominate - (prominent)
- prominately - (prominently, predominately)
- promiscous - (promiscuous)
- promixity - (proximity)
- pronomial - (pronominal)
- pronounciation - (pronunciation)
- propably - (probably)
- propeled - (propelled)
- propeling - (propelling)
- propell - (propel)
- properity - (prosperity, property, propriety)
- propery - (property)
- prophacy - (prophecy)
- prophecized - (prophesied)
- propietary - (proprietary)
- propoganda - (propaganda)
- propogate - (propagate)
- propogation - (propagation)
- propogator - (propagator)
- propotion - (proportion)
- propotional - (proportional)
- propper - (proper)
- proprietory - (proprietary)
- proseletyzing - (proselytizing)
- protaganist - (protagonist)
- protem - (pro tem, protein)
- protien - (protein)
- protocal - (protocol)
- protrait - (portrait)
- protray - (portray)
- protrayal - (portrayal)
- protrayed - (portrayed)
- protruberance - (protuberance)
- protruberances - (protuberances)
- prounounced - (pronounced)
- provded - (provided)
- providor - (provider)
- pseudononymous - (pseudonymous)
- pseudonyn - (pseudonym)
- psuedo - (pseudo)
- psychidelic - (psychedelic)
- psychodelic - (psychedelic)
- psycology - (psychology)
- psyhic - (psychic)
- publich - (public, publish)
- publicise - (publicize)
- puchase - (purchase)
- Puertorican - (Puerto Rican)
- Puertorrican - (Puerto Rican)
- Puertorricans - (Puerto Ricans)
- pumkin - (pumpkin)
- punchs - (punches)
- purchace - (purchase)
- purposedly - (purposely)
- pursing - (pursing [lips], pursuing)
- pursuade - (persuade)
- puruse - (peruse, pursue)
- put's - (puts)
- puting - (putting)
- pwn - (own)
- pwoer - (power)
- pyschedelic - (psychedelic)
- pyschic - (psychic)
- pyscho - (psycho)
- pyschological - (psychological)
- pyschology - (psychology)
- pyschosomatic - (psychosomatic)