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Template:Powerpedia:Lists of common misspellings/Instructions
- obcene - (obscene)
- obcenity - (obscenity)
- obediance - (obedience)
- obediant - (obedient)
- obervation - (observation)
- objetive - (objective)
- obligue - (oblige, oblique)
- obligued - (obliged)
- observence - (observance)
- observor - (observer)
- obsolecence - (obsolescence)
- obsolecense - (obsolescence)
- obsolesence - (obsolescence)
- obsolesense - (obsolescence)
- obssession - (obsession)
- obssessive - (obsessive)
- obstacal - (obstacle)
- obsticle - (obstacle)
- ocasion - (occasion)
- ocasional - (occasional)
- ocasionally - (occasionally)
- ocasionaly - (occasionally)
- ocasioned - (occasioned)
- ocasions - (occasions)
- ocassion - (occasion)
- ocassional - (occasional)
- ocassionally - (occasionally)
- ocassioned - (occasioned)
- ocassions - (occasions)
- occaisonally - (occasionally)
- occasionaly - (occasionally)
- occasonal - (occasional)
- occassion - (occasion)
- occassional - (occasional)
- occassionally - (occasionally)
- occassionaly - (occasionally)
- occassioned - (occasioned)
- occassions - (occasions)
- occour - (occur)
- occurance - (occurrence)
- occurances - (occurrences)
- occured - (occurred)
- occurence - (occurrence)
- occurences - (occurrences)
- occuring - (occurring)
- occurr - (occur)
- occurrance - (occurrence)
- occurrances - (occurrences)
- octogon - (octagon)
- octogonal - (octagonal)
- octohedral - (octahedral)
- octohedron - (octahedron)
- ocuntry - (country)
- ocuntries - (countries)
- ocupied - (occupied)
- ocupy - (occupy)
- ocurr - (occur)
- ocurrance - (occurrence)
- ocurred - (occurred)
- ocurrence - (occurrence)
- ocurring - (occurring)
- ocurrs - (occurs)
- oddites - (oddities)
- odour - (odor)
- odouriferous - (odoriferous)
- odourous - (odorous)
- ofcourse - (of course)
- offcial - (official)
- offcier - (officer)
- offen - (often)
- offence - (offense)
- offendor - (offender)
- offical - (official)
- offically - (officially)
- officaly - (officially)
- officialy - (officially)
- offshot - (offshoot)
- oficial - (official)
- oftenly - (often)
- oftern - (often)
- ofthe - (of the)
- oging - (going, ogling)
- Okalahoma - (Oklahoma)
- olny - (only)
- omision - (omission)
- omited - (omitted)
- omiting - (omitting)
- omitt - (omit)
- ommision - (omission)
- ommission - (omission)
- ommit - (omit)
- ommited - (omitted)
- ommiting - (omitting)
- ommitted - (omitted)
- ommitting - (omitting)
- omniverous - (omnivorous)
- omniverously - (omnivorously)
- omre - (more)
- onot - (note, not)
- onthe - (on the)
- ontop - (on top)
- onyl - (only)
- oparate - (operate)
- opend - (opened)
- openned - (opened)
- operater - (operator)
- opertion - (operation)
- opertunity - (opportunity)
- opinate - (opine)
- opionion - (opinion)
- opon - (upon)
- oponent - (opponent)
- oportunity - (opportunity)
- opose - (oppose)
- oposite - (opposite)
- oposition - (opposition)
- oppen - (open)
- oppened - (opened)
- oppening - (opening)
- opperate - (operate)
- opperation - (operation)
- oppertunity - (opportunity)
- oppinion - (opinion)
- opponet - (opponent)
- opportuinity - (opportunity)
- opportunites - (opportunities)
- opportunty - (opportunity)
- opposit - (opposite)
- oppotunity - (opportunity)
- oppourtunity - (opportunity)
- oppurtunity - (opportunity)
- opress - (oppress)
- opression - (oppression)
- opressive - (oppressive)
- opthalmic - (ophthalmic)
- opthalmologist - (ophthalmologist)
- opthalmology - (ophthalmology)
- opthamologist - (ophthalmologist)
- opthamology - (ophthalmology)
- opthomologist - (ophthalmologist)
- opthomology - (ophthalmology)
- optomism - (optimism)
- optomist - (optimist)
- optomistic - (optimistic)
- orchestera - (orchestra)
- orchesteral - (orchestral)
- orderes - (ordered, orders)
- orgainisation - (organization)
- orgainise - (organize)
- orgainization - (organization)
- orgainize - (organize)
- organiation - (organization)
- organical - (organic)
- organim - (organism)
- organisation - (organization)
- organise - (organize)
- orgin - (origin, organ)
- orginal - (original)
- orginally - (originally)
- orginate - (originate)
- orginise - (organize)
- orginization - (organization)
- orginize - (organize)
- orientate - (orient)
- orientated - (oriented)
- oriention - (orientation)
- origanal - (original)
- originaly - (originally)
- originial - (original)
- originiate - (originate)
- originnal - (original)
- originnally - (originally)
- origional - (original)
- orignal - (original)
- orignate - (originate)
- orignial - (original)
- origonal - (original)
- orthagonal - (orthogonal)
- orthagonally - (orthogonally)
- orthgonal - (orthogonal)
- orthogonaly - (orthogonally)
- otehr - (other)
- othere - (other)
- otheres - (others)
- Ottowa - (Ottawa)
- ouevre - (oeuvre)
- oustanding - (outstanding)
- oustide - (outside)
- outake - (outtake)
- outcasted - (outcast)
- outlaying - (outlying)
- outloud - (out loud)
- outputted - (output)
- outragous - (outrageous)
- outter - (outer)
- outweighted - (outweighed)
- overan - (overran)
- overated - (overrated)
- overeach - (overreach)
- overide - (override)
- overlayed - (overlaid)
- overode - (overrode)
- overshaddowed - (overshadowed)
- oversite - (oversight)
- overule - (overrule)
- overun - (overrun)
- overwelming - (overwhelming)
- oveture - (overture)
- owrk - (work)
- owudl - (would)
- oxens - (oxen [plural], oxen's [possessive])
- oxes - (ox's [possessive], oxen [plural])
- oxigen - (oxygen)
- oximoron - (oxymoron)
- oxyen - (oxygen)