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Revision as of 07:59, 13 September 2024
Template:Powerpedia:Lists of common misspellings/Instructions
- mabye - (maybe)
- mackeral - (mackerel)
- magent - (magnet)
- magentic - (magnetic)
- magestic - (majestic)
- magicaly - (magically)
- magnant - (magnate)
- magnificient - (magnificent)
- magolia - (magnolia)
- Maimi - (Miami)
- mainfest - (manifest)
- mainley - (mainly)
- maintainance - (maintenance)
- maintainence - (maintenance)
- maintaing - (maintaining)
- maintance - (maintenance)
- maintanence - (maintenance)
- maintence - (maintenance)
- maintenence - (maintenance)
- maintinance - (maintenance)
- maintioned - (mentioned)
- maked - (marked, made)
- makeing - (making)
- makse - (makes)
- Malcom - (Malcolm)
- Maltesian - (Maltese)
- mamal - (mammal)
- mamalian - (mammalian)
- managable - (manageable)
- managament - (management)
- manageral - (managerial)
- managment - (management)
- manditory - (mandatory)
- maneover - (maneuver)
- maneovre - (maneuver)
- mangement - (management)
- mangerial - (managerial)
- Manhatten - (Manhattan)
- manifestion - (manifestation)
- manoeuverability - (maneuverability)
- manoeuverable - (maneuverable)
- manoeuvre - (maneuver)
- manouver - (maneuver)
- manouverability - (maneuverability)
- manouverable - (maneuverable)
- manouvers - (maneuvers)
- manuever - (maneuver)
- manuevers - (maneuvers)
- manufature - (manufacture)
- manuver - (maneuver)
- marchs - (marches)
- margain - (margin)
- margine - (margin)
- maried - (married)
- Marixist - (Marxist)
- marjority - (majority)
- marketting - (marketing)
- marrage - (marriage)
- marraige - (marriage)
- marrige - (marriage)
- marryed - (married)
- marryied - (married)
- marshmellow - (marshmallow)
- marvellous - (marvelous)
- masonary - (masonry)
- masonery - (masonry)
- Massachussets - (Massachusetts)
- Massachussetts - (Massachusetts)
- massmedia - (mass media)
- matchs - (matches)
- materialise - (materialize)
- mathamatics - (mathematics)
- matheticians - (mathematicians)
- mathmatician - (mathematician)
- mathmatics - (mathematics)
- maximalize - (maximize)
- maximise - (maximize)
- maximium - (maximum)
- mayorial - (mayoral)
- meagre - (meager)
- meaned - (meant)
- meaningfull - (meaningful)
- mear - (mare, mere, wear)
- mearly - (merely)
- measurment - (measurement)
- mecanical - (mechanical)
- mechandise - (merchandise)
- mechanise - (mechanize)
- mechanisim - (mechanism)
- medacine - (medicine)
- medallist - (medalist)
- medeival - (mediaeval, medieval)
- medeval - (mediaeval, medieval)
- mediciney - (mediciny)
- medicore - (mediocre)
- medievel - (medieval)
- Mediteranean - (Mediterranean)
- medival - (medieval)
- meeet - (meet)
- megaohm - (megohm)
- megaohms - (megohms)
- memeber - (member)
- memmory - (memory)
- memorise - (memorize)
- mens - (men [plural], men's [possessive])
- mens' - (men's [possessive])
- menstration - (menstruation)
- mentaly - (mentally)
- mentiones - (mentions)
- mentionned - (mentioned)
- meranda - (Miranda, veranda)
- mercernary - (mercenary)
- merchandize - (merchandise)
- messanger - (messenger)
- metalic - (metallic)
- metalurgic - (metallurgic)
- metalurgical - (metallurgical)
- metalurgy - (metallurgy)
- metamorphysis - (metamorphosis)
- meterology - (meteorology)
- metorology - (meteorology)
- metre (variant of meter}}
- metropolian - (metropolitan)
- Micheal - (Michael)
- Michagan - (Michigan)
- Michgian - (Michigan)
- midwifes - (midwives)
- mileau - (milieu)
- milennia - (millennia)
- milennium - (millennium)
- mileu - (milieu)
- milion - (million)
- millenia - (millennia)
- millenium - (millennium)
- millepede - (millipede)
- militairy - (military)
- millitary - (military)
- miltary - (military)
- mimickry - (mimicry)
- miminal - (minimal)
- miminum - (minimum)
- minature - (miniature)
- minerological - (mineralogical)
- minerologist - (mineralogist)
- minerology - (mineralogy)
- Minesota - (Minnesota)
- minimalise - (minimize)
- minimaly - (minimally)
- minimise - (minimize)
- minimium - (minimum)
- miniscule - (minuscule)
- ministery - (ministry)
- ministy - (ministry)
- miniture - (miniature)
- minning - (mining)
- mintues - (minutes)
- miriad - (myriad)
- miricle - (miracle)
- miscelaneous - (miscellaneous)
- miscellanious - (miscellaneous)
- miscellanous - (miscellaneous)
- mischeivous - (mischievous)
- mischevious - (mischievous)
- mischievious - (mischievous)
- misdameanor - (misdemeanor)
- misdameanors - (misdemeanors)
- misdemenor - (misdemeanor)
- misdemenors - (misdemeanors)
- misile - (missile)
- misjudgement - (misjudgment)
- Misouri - (Missouri)
- mispell - (misspell)
- missen - (mizzen)
- Missisipi - (Mississippi)
- Missisippi - (Mississippi)
- Mississipi - (Mississippi)
- missle - (missile)
- misstaken - (mistaken)
- missunderstand - (misunderstand)
- missuse - (misuse)
- misterious - (mysterious)
- mistery - (mystery)
- misteryous - (mysterious)
- mixted - (mixed)
- mkae - (make)
- mkaes - (makes)
- mkaing - (making)
- mkea - (make)
- mobilise - (mobilize)
- moccassins - (moccasins)
- modelled - (modeled)
- modelling - (modeling)
- moderatley - (moderately)
- moderatly - (moderately)
- modernise - (modernize)
- modfied - (modified)
- modifaction - (modification)
- modifed - (modified)
- modle - (model)
- moent - (moment)
- moeny - (money)
- moil - (mohel)
- mollest - (molest)
- mollusc - (mollusk)
- momento - (memento)
- Monacco - (Monaco)
- monastry - (monastery)
- monestaries - (monasteries)
- monestary - (monastery, monetary)
- moniter - (monitor)
- monoatomic - (monatomic)
- monolite - (monolithic)
- Monserrat - (Montserrat, but see Monserrat, Buenos Aires)
- monthes - (months)
- montypic - (monotypic)
- moraly - (morally)
- moreso - (more so)
- morgage - (mortgage)
- Morrocco - (Morocco)
- motiviated - (motivated)
- mould - (mold)
- mountanous - (mountainous)
- moustache - (mustache)
- moveable - (movable)
- movei - (movie)
- moveing - (moving)
- mroe - (more)
- mucuous - (mucous)
- muder - (murder)
- muderer - (murderer)
- mudering - (murdering)
- mueseum - (museum)
- mulitplayer - (multiplayer)
- mulitple - (multiple)
- mulitply - (multiply)
- multiplyed - (multiplied)
- muncipalities - (municipalities)
- muncipality - (municipality)
- municipalites - (municipalities)
- municipalties - (municipalities)
- municipalty - (municipality)
- municipaly - (municipality)
- muscels - (mussels, muscles)
- muscial - (musical)
- musicaly - (musically)
- musican - (musician)
- musicial - (musical)
- musseum - (museum)
- musuem - (museum)
- mutiple - (multiple)
- mutiplication - (multiplication)
- mutiply - (multiply)
- mutualy - (mutually)
- myraid - (myriad)
- mysef - (myself)
- mysogynist - (misogynist)
- mysogynistic - (misogynistic)
- mysogyny - (misogyny)
- mysterous - (mysterious)