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Template:Powerpedia:Lists of common misspellings/Instructions
- cacaphonous - (cacophonous)
- cacaphony - (cacophony)
- caffiene - (caffeine)
- calandar - (calendar)
- calander - (calendar, colander)
- calfs - (calf's [possessive], calves [plural])
- calibre - (caliber)
- calibur - (caliber)
- Califronia - (California)
- Califronian - (Californian)
- caligraphy - (calligraphy)
- calloused - (callused)
- callouses - (calluses [plural])
- calous - (callous [adjective], callus [noun])
- caluclate - (calculate)
- caluclated - (calculated)
- caluculate - (calculate)
- caluculated - (calculated)
- calulate - (calculate)
- calulated - (calculated)
- Cambrige - (Cambridge)
- cameback - (came back)
- cameraderie - (camaraderie)
- camoflage - (camouflage)
- campain - (campaign)
- camraderie - (camaraderie)
- Canadaian - (Canadian)
- Canadain - (Canadian)
- cancelation - (cancellation)
- cancelled (variant of canceled)
- candadate - (candidate)
- canidate - (candidate)
- cannister - (canister)
- cannonical - (canonical)
- cannotation - (connotation)
- cannotations - (connotations)
- canonise - (canonize)
- cant - (cannot, can't; cant may be correct)
- caost - (coast)
- capabilites - (capabilities [plural])
- capacites - (capacities [plural])
- caperbility - (capability)
- capitalise - (capitalize)
- capitivity - (captivity)
- captial - (capital)
- captialize - (capitalize)
- captian - (captain)
- carachter - (character)
- careing - (caring)
- carismatic - (charismatic)
- carniverous - (carnivorous)
- carraige - (carriage)
- carrear - (career)
- carred - (cared, carried)
- carreer - (career)
- carrer - (career)
- Carribbean - (Caribbean)
- Carribean - (Caribbean)
- carring - (caring, carrying)
- carthographer - (cartographer)
- cartrige - (cartridge)
- casette - (cassette)
- casion - (caisson)
- cassete - (cassette)
- casted - (cast [verb], casted [caste])
- casualites - (casualties [plural])
- casualtes - (casualties [plural])
- casue - (cause)
- casued - (caused)
- casues - (causes)
- casuing - (causing)
- casulaties - (casualties [plural])
- casulaty - (casualty)
- catagories - (categories)
- catagorise - (categorize)
- catagorize - (categorize)
- catagory - (category)
- catalogue - (catalog)
- catalouge - (catalog)
- catched - (caught)
- catchs - (catches)
- categorise - (categorize)
- catergory - (category)
- cathegory - (category)
- cathlic - (catholic)
- catterpilar - (caterpillar)
- causalities - (casualties [injuries]; causalities [causes] may be correct)
- cauterise - (cauterize)
- cavarly - (cavalry)
- Ceasar - (Caesar)
- Celcius - (Celsius)
- celeberate - (celebrate)
- celebrites - (celebrities)
- celibrate - (celebrate)
- cementary - (cemetery)
- cementery - (cemetery)
- cemetarey - (cemetery)
- cemetaries - (cemeteries)
- cemetary - (cemetery)
- cemetry - (cemetery)
- cencus - (census)
- censur - (censor, censure)
- centenial - (centennial)
- centennary - (centenary, centennial [100 years])
- centeral - (central)
- centralise - (centralize)
- centraly - (centrally)
- centre - (center)
- centred - (centered)
- caluclate - (calculate)
- centrifical - (centrifugal)
- centruy - (century)
- centures - (centuries [plural])
- centuties - (centuries)
- centuty - (century)
- ceratin - (certain, keratin)
- cerimonial - (ceremonial)
- cerimonies - (ceremonies)
- cerimonious - (ceremonious)
- cerimony - (ceremony)
- certainity - (certainty)
- certian - (certain)
- certifed - (certified)
- cervial - (cervical, Serval, servile)
- chaffing - (chaffing [chaff], chafing [chafe])
- challange - (challenge)
- challanged - (challenged)
- challanger - (challenger)
- Champange - (Champagne)
- chanage - (change)
- chanel - (channel)
- changable - (changeable)
- changeing - (changing [change])
- chapparal - (chaparral)
- charachter - (character)
- charachters - (characters)
- characterise - (characterize)
- characterstic - (characteristic)
- charater - (character)
- charaterized - (characterised, characterized)
- charcter - (character)
- chariman - (chairman)
- charistics - (characteristics)
- Charolette - (Charlotte)
- chasr - (chase, chaser)
- chauffer - (chauffer [stove], chauffeur [driver])
- cheif - (chief)
- chemcial - (chemical)
- chemcially - (chemically)
- chemestry - (chemistry)
- chemicaly - (chemically)
- cheque (variant of check [banking])
- chequer - (checker)
- chieftan - (chieftain)
- childbird - (childbirth)
- childern - (children)
- childrens - (children [plural], children's)
- Chineese - (Chinese)
- Chrismas - (Christmas)
- choclate - (chocolate)
- choise - (choice)
- choosed - (chooses, chose, chosen)
- choosen - (chosen)
- chosed - (chose, chosen)
- choses - (chooses)
- chosing - (choosing)
- chronical - (chronic, chronicle)
- cieling - (ceiling)
- Cincinatti - (Cincinnati)
- Cincinnatti - (Cincinnati)
- circiut - (circuit)
- circuituous - (circuitous)
- circumcized - (circumcised)
- ciricuit - (circuit)
- civilisation - (civilization)
- civilise - (civilize)
- civillian - (civilian)
- cladded - (clad [verb])
- claded - (clad)
- claer - (clear)
- claerer - (clearer)
- claerly - (clearly)
- claimes - (claims)
- claming - (claiming, clamming)
- clamour - (clamor)
- clasic - (classic)
- clasical - (classical)
- clasically - (classically)
- classically - (classicaly)
- classifed - (classified)
- claustraphobia - (claustrophobia)
- cleareance - (clearance)
- clearence - (clearance)
- clera - (clear, sclera)
- clincial - (clinical)
- clinicaly - (clinically)
- closley - (closely)
- coachs - (coaches [plural], coaches')
- coaltion - (coalition)
- coefficent - (coefficient)
- coerse - (coerce)
- coform - (conform)
- coinside - (coincide)
- coinsidence - (coincidence)
- colaboration - (collaboration)
- colapse - (collapse)
- colateral - (collateral)
- collaberation - (collaboration)
- collectable (variant of collectible)
- colleciton - (collection)
- collegate - (collegiate)
- collegue - (colleague)
- collegues - (colleagues)
- collonade - (colonnade)
- collonies - (colonies)
- collony - (colony)
- collosal - (colossal)
- collum - (column)
- collumn - (column)
- coloquial - (colloquial)
- colour - (variant of color)
- colouration - (coloration)
- colourless - (colorless)
- comander - (commander, commandeer)
- comando - (commando)
- comandos - (commandos)
- comback - (comeback)
- comemmorate - (commemorate)
- comencement - (commencement)
- comerce - (commerce)
- comercial - (commercial)
- comercially - (commercially)
- comision - (commission)
- comisioned - (commissioned)
- comisioner - (commissioner)
- comisioning - (commissioning)
- comisions - (commissions)
- comission - (commission)
- comissioned - (commissioned)
- comissioner - (commissioner)
- comissioning - (commissioning)
- comissions - (commissions)
- comited - (committed)
- comiting - (committing)
- comittee - (committee)
- comitted - (committed)
- comitting - (committing)
- commandoes (variant of commandos)
- commemerative - (commemorative)
- commemmorate - (commemorate)
- commerate - (commemorate)
- commerating - (commemorating)
- commeration - (commemoration)
- commerative - (commemorative)
- commerical - (commercial)
- commerically - (commercially)
- commericial - (commercial)
- commericially - (commercially)
- comming - (coming)
- commision - (commission)
- commisioned - (commissioned)
- commisioner - (commissioner)
- commisioning - (commissioning)
- commisions - (commissions)
- commited - (committed)
- commitee - (committee)
- commiting - (committing)
- committe - (committee)
- committies - (committees)
- committment - (commitment)
- committy - (committee)
- commmemorated - (commemorated)
- commongly - (commonly)
- communciation - (communication)
- communites - (communities)
- communitys - (communities)
- communty - (community)
- communual - (communal)
- compair - (compare)
- compaired - (compared)
- compairison - (comparison)
- compareable - (comparable)
- comparision - (comparison)
- comparitive - (comparative)
- comparitively - (comparatively)
- comparsion - (comparison)
- compatabilities - (compatibilities)
- compatability - (compatibility)
- compatable - (compatible)
- compatablities - (compatibilities)
- compatablity - (compatibility)
- compatiblities - (compatibilities)
- compatiblity - (compatibility)
- compeet - (compete)
- compeeting - (competing)
- competance - (competence)
- competant - (competent)
- competative - (competitive)
- competion - (competition, completion)
- competiting - (competing)
- competiton - (competition)
- competive - (competitive, completive)
- competively - (competitively)
- competor - (competitor, completor)
- comphrehensive - (comprehensive)
- compilate - (compile)
- compitent - (competent)
- complaintant - (complainant)
- completly - (completely)
- complier - (compiler)
- comprimise - (compromise)
- comprimize - (compromise)
- compromize - (compromise)
- computation - (compution)
- comradarie - (camaraderie)
- comraderie - (camaraderie)
- comunity - (community)
- conbined - (combined)
- concecutive - (consecutive)
- concensus - (consensus)
- concide - (coincide)
- concider - (consider)
- concidered - (considered)
- conciders - (considers)
- concience - (conscience)
- concientious - (conscientious)
- concieve - (conceive)
- concious - (conscious)
- conciously - (consciously)
- conciousness - (consciousness)
- conctrete - (concrete)
- concurent - (concurrent)
- concuring - (concurring)
- concurr - (concur)
- concusion - (conclusion, concussion)
- condem - (condemn)
- condemed - (condemned)
- condemm - (condemn)
- condemmed - (condemned)
- condidtion - (condition)
- condidtions - (conditions)
- conducter - (conductor)
- condusive - (conducive, conductive)
- conection - (connection)
- conferance - (conference)
- confered - (conferred)
- conferr - (confer)
- confidance - (confidence)
- confidental - (confidential)
- confidentally - (confidentially)
- confrence - (conference)
- confrim - (confirm)
- congradulate - (congratulate)
- congradulations - (congratulations)
- congresional - (congressional)
- conived - (connived)
- conjecutre - (conjecture)
- conjour - (conjure)
- connexion - (connection)
- Conneticut - (Connecticut)
- connivance (variant of connivance)
- connotate - (connote)
- conquerer - (conqueror)
- conquerers - (conquerors)
- consacrate - (consecrate)
- conscent - (consent)
- consdider - (consider)
- consdidered - (considered)
- consective - (consecutive)
- consel - (counsel)
- consel - (consul)
- consentrate - (concentrate)
- consentrated - (concentrated)
- consentrates - (concentrates)
- consept - (concept)
- consern - (concern)
- conserned - (concerned)
- conserning - (concerning)
- conservate - (conserve)
- conservitive - (conservative)
- consession - (concession)
- considerated - (considered)
- considerd - (considered)
- consistancy - (consistency)
- consistant - (consistent)
- consistantly - (consistently)
- consituencies - (constituencies)
- consituency - (constituency)
- consitution - (constitution)
- consitutional - (constitutional)
- consolodate - (consolidate)
- consolodated - (consolidated)
- consonent - (consonant)
- consonents - (consonants)
- consorcium - (consortium)
- conspicious - (conspicuous)
- consquently - (consequently)
- constaints - (constraints)
- constanly - (constantly)
- constatn - (constant)
- constituant - (constituent)
- constituants - (constituents)
- constituion - (constitution)
- constituional - (constitutional)
- constructable - (constructible)
- constuction - (construction)
- consumate - (consummate)
- consumated - (consummated)
- contageous - (contagious)
- contaiminate - (contaminate)
- containes - (contains)
- contamporaries - (contemporaries)
- contamporary - (contemporary)
- contemporaneus - (contemporaneous)
- contempory - (contemporary)
- contension - (contention)
- contestent - (contestant)
- conctete - (concrete)
- contigent - (contingent)
- continious - (continuous)
- continiued - (continued)
- continous - (continuous)
- continously - (continuously)
- continueing - (continuing)
- continum - (continuum)
- continuos - (continuous)
- continuty - (continuity)
- contious - (continuous)
- contolled - (controlled)
- contracter - (contractor)
- contractural - (contractual [contract], contractural [contracture])
- contravercial - (controversial)
- contraversial - (controversial)
- contraversy - (controversy)
- contributer - (contributor)
- contributers - (contributors)
- contributery - (contributory)
- controled - (controlled)
- controler - (controller)
- controling - (controlling)
- controll - (control)
- controlls - (controls)
- controvercial - (controversial)
- controvercy - (controversy)
- controveries - (controversies)
- controversey - (controversy)
- controvertial - (controversial)
- controvery - (controversy)
- conveinent - (convenient)
- convenant - (covenant)
- conveniant - (convenient)
- convential - (conventional)
- conventionaly - (conventionally)
- Conventry - (Coventry)
- convergance - (convergence)
- convergant - (convergent)
- conversate - (converse)
- conversley - (conversely)
- conversly - (conversely)
- convertable - (convertible)
- convertion - (conversion)
- convertor - (converter)
- convertors - (converters)
- convetional - (conventional)
- conveyer - (conveyor)
- convienient - (convenient)
- convinient - (convenient)
- cooly - (coolly)
- coordiantion - (coordination)
- coorperation - (cooperation, corporation)
- coporation - (corporation)
- copywrite - (copyright; copywrite may be correct)
- corespond - (correspond)
- corode - (corrode)
- corosion - (corrosion)
- corparate - (corporate)
- corparation - (corporation)
- corperate - (corporate)
- corperation - (corporation)
- correlary - (corollary)
- correponding - (corresponding)
- correposding - (corresponding)
- correspondance - (correspondence)
- correspondant - (correspondent)
- correspondet - (correspondent)
- corrispond - (correspond)
- corrispondant - (correspondent)
- corrispondants - (correspondents)
- corrisponding - (corresponding)
- corrisponded - (corresponded)
- corrisponds - (corresponds)
- costitution - (constitution)
- coudl - (could, cloud)
- coudn't - (couldn't)
- councelling - (counseling)
- councellor - (councilor [council], counselor [counsel])
- councillor - (councilor)
- counselling - (counseling)
- countain - (contain)
- countrys - (countries [plural], country's [possessive])
- coururier - (courier, couturier)
- cout - (court, count; some false positives from C code listings)
- coverted - (converted, covered, coveted)
- cowtow - (kowtow)
- cpoy - (coy, copy)
- craftly - (craftily)
- creaeted - (created)
- cresent - (crescent)
- crimnal - (criminal)
- cristened - (christened)
- critcal - (critical)
- critereon - (criterion)
- criticaly - (critically)
- criticise - (criticize)
- criticists - (critics)
- critiscise - (criticise)
- critiscism - (criticism)
- critiscize - (criticize)
- critise - (criticise, criticize)
- critisise - (criticise, criticize)
- critisism - (criticism)
- critisize - (criticise, criticize)
- critize - (criticise, criticize)
- crowed - (crowd, crowded, crowed)
- crucifiction - (crucifixion)
- crusies - (cruises)
- cryed - (cried)
- cuase - (cause)
- culiminating - (culminating)
- cultery - (cutlery)
- cumulatative - (cumulative)
- curch - (church)
- curent - (current)
- curiousity - (curiosity)
- currenly - (currently)
- curretly - (currently)
- currrent - (current)
- customisation - (customization)
- customise - (customize)
- cutted - (cut [verb])
- cxan - (can, cyan)
- cypher (variant of cipher }}